Tuesday, 18 March 2025
    00: 20:17in Kyiv (EET)

Window on GMF’s Diverse Workplace: Building Successful Multi-Generational Teams

Lora Berg, Counselor for Inclusive Leadership, GMF DC
Generational diversity enriches workplaces on both sides of the Atlantic. In the case of the German Marshall Fund (GMF), five generations work together. GMF’s team, according to U.S. definitions, ranges from the Silent Generation (born 1925–1945) to baby boomers (1946–1959), Generation X (1960–1979), Generation Y or Millennials (1980–1994), and Generation Z (1995–2010).
We have an even richer tapestry of generations at GMF because our team members’ formative years took place in a wide range of countries. To better understand this aspect of GMF’s diversity, in this blog, colleagues share the nuances of generations in …read more

Source:: The German Marshall Fund of the United States


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