Researches about Ukraine

Abkhazia’s President Faces Public Campaign Calling for His Resignation

The Jamestown Foundation

At the beginning of March 2016, a large coalition of organizations opposed to the president of the breakaway Georgian republic of Abkhazia, Raul Khajimba, started gathering signatures calling for a referendum. The proposed question for the referendum is “Do you consider it necessary to hold early presidential elections in the Republic of Abkhazia?” As of March 29, according to one of the activists of the campaign, Astamur Pachulia, the opposition had gathered 14,700 signatures, when only 10,000 are required by law. The powerful organization of veterans of the Abkhaz-Georgian war of 1992–1993, Amtsakhara, is the main backer of the referendum …read more

Source: The Jamestown Foundation

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