Researches about Ukraine

Circassian Activists in Russia Become a Serious Force

The Jamestown Foundation

The Russian government moved against Circassian activists in late May 2015, coinciding with events marking the 151st anniversary of the end of the Russian-Circassian war. The authorities targeted two well-known leaders of the Circassian movement, Ruslan Kesh and Adnan Khuade. On May 23, police in Maikop, Adygea, briefly detained Kesh, who had traveled from Kabardino-Balkaria to meet with a Circassian delegation from Turkey. On May 25, police launched an investigation of Khuade, a Circassian who left Turkey for his historical homeland in the North Caucasus many years ago, searching his Maikop home and shop (, May 25).
“The police …read more

Source: The Jamestown Foundation

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