Researches about Ukraine

Cossack Patrols in Stavropol Receive Stronger Policing Powers

The Jamestown Foundation

The government of Stavropol region is set to expand the powers of Cossack patrols in the region. According to new legislation proposed by the regional council, citizens who disobey Cossack patrols now will be subject to fines. Meanwhile, Cossack leaders say that citizens already do not disobey Cossack patrols, given that the Cossacks patrol alongside the local police. Back in July 2014, legislation was introduced giving the existing voluntary people’s patrols (dobrovolnaya narodnaya druzhina) the right to fine people who disobeyed them. These voluntary people’s patrols are a shadow of those of the Soviet period: today, civilians are much less …read more

Source: The Jamestown Foundation

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