Researches about Ukraine

What the war in Ukraine tells us about propaganda battles of the 21st century. Panel discussion held in partnership with Henry Jackson Society

Ukrainian institute

TIME: 13:00 – 14:00, Thursday 12th November 2015VENUE: Floor 26, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QPSPEAKERS:
Peter Pomerantsev, Senior Fellow,Legatum Institute
Marina Pesenti, Director, Ukrainian Institute
Moderator: Andrew Foxall, Director, Director of the Russia Studies Centre at The Henry Jackson Society.
To attend please RSVP to:
The information age has fast become the disinformation age. In the 20th century, the battle was against censorship and for free expression. In the 21st century, the battle is against the abuse of freedom of information – and the sources of some of that information. In the past, propaganda outlets were tightly controlled, and the …read more

Source: Ukrainian Institute, London

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