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Could the Russian Military Make a Comeback?

Could the Russian Military Make a Comeback?
Rachel Moltz
Wed, 01/18/2023 – 10:58
Any American with strategic acumen or just a fundamental sense of decency wants Ukraine to thoroughly and incontestably defeat Russia’s military. Almost a year into Russia’s latest invasion, with its sanctioned, heedless atrocities, Ukraine’s battlefield performance has been inspiring and effective—and a disorienting shock to Russia’s startlingly inept generals and would-be czar. Instead of collapsing, the Kyiv government has demonstrated to the world its viability, distinct national identity, and commitment to independence, while its maddened neighbor poisons itself with self-aggrandizing myths and reveals, yet again, the Russian default to cruelty as an all-purpose solution.

Although we cannot foresee where the region’s borders will be penciled in at the end of this round of violence on civilization’s eastern frontier, Ukraine appears bound for victory, even a triumph.

It’s time to sober up. Ukraine has the will, skill, and support to win. So far. On paper. But a year ago—on paper—a Russian victory looked inevitable to the “best and brightest” military commentors in the West. While wishing the best for Ukraine, wishful thinking won’t do: It would be folly to write off the gut-shot Russian military even now.

Today, Russia’s forces …read more

Source:: Hoover Institution


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