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Hoover-Led Delegation to Taiwan Reports Insights on Meetings with Counterparts

Hoover-Led Delegation to Taiwan Reports Insights on Meetings with Counterparts
Rachel Moltz
Thu, 11/10/2022 – 06:17
Hoover Institution (Stanford, CA) – A thirteen-member delegation co-led by Annenberg Distinguished Visiting Fellow James Ellis and Senior Fellow Larry Diamond reported its insights from a trip to Taiwan in August.

The trip, initially planned two years ago, had been delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic and ultimately took place just weeks following House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s own news-making visit. The Hoover-led delegation participated in thirty meetings over a five-day period. These included public and private sessions with President Tsai Ing-wen and high-ranking members of her cabinet, as well as engagements with opposition party leaders and business executives from the semiconductor industry.

Admiral Ellis relayed his three takeaways from the trip.

First he explained that despite some perceptions, Taipei has not taken a passive stance against aggression posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in its ambition to reunify Taiwan with the mainland. President Tsai has publicly declared four commitments that have shaped her administration’s policy of cross-strait relations: 1) peace (denunciation of force by the parties on both sides of the strait); 2) parity (for China and Taiwan to not deny each other’s existence); 3) …read more

Source:: Hoover Institution


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