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TEG Working Group News Roundup May 12-19

TEG Working Group News Roundup May 12-19
Mon, 05/22/2023 – 14:43
In this week’s roundup, China restricts foreign access to data, the US releases New START data to pressure Russia, the G7 convenes in Hiroshima, and the Supreme Court rejects lawsuits against Google and Twitter.

Industrial Policy & International Security

Chinese data restrictions undermine US-China stability | TheMessenger

Paul Scharre, vice president and director of studies at the Center for a New American Security, writes that China has implemented restrictions on overseas access to domestic data sources. Reportedly, analysis from US think tanks using Chinese data have unsettled leadership in Beijing. The move is part of a broader crackdown on information coming out of China. The restrictions deny those outside China access to crucial facts about economic and corporate activities. Additionally, China has increased pressure on foreign consulting firms and expanded its anti-espionage law, creating a chilling effect for those operating in China. The lack of information about what’s happening on the ground in China may exacerbate mutual suspicion between the US and China, making it even harder to manage the risks and maintain some partnerships. Scharre observes that, as tensions rise, Beijing further restricts lines of communication. Restricting access …read more

Source:: Hoover Institution


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