Sunday, 16 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Digital diplomacy links: GIFs, global rankings, Russia, Israel, Next Door Land app and more

As Australian digital diplomacy strives to catch up to rest of the world, these monthly links highlight the most creative and effective ways countries are leveraging the internet for foreign policy gain.
GIF diplomacy is taking off. Here the UK uses it to timeline Russia’s actions in Crimea.
A Turkish think-tank has launched the world’s first global digital diplomacy ranking, rating 210 Foreign Ministries and 1098 digital assets across 33 social networks. Australia is ranked 34th behind the usual (US, UK, Japan, Germany, India, Russia) and less usual (Ecuador, Bahrain, Lithuania, Cuba, Peru) suspects.
Following in the footsteps of the Pentagon, the US …read more

Source: Lowy Institute for International Policy

Researches about Ukraine

This website is created to observe information about Ukraine in the world think tansk and research institutes.
More information about project you can read here

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