Saturday, 15 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Senior NATO and US figures warn Brexit would undermine Western security while Boris Johnson claims EU is now “force for instability and alienation”

Senior NATO and US figures warn Brexit would undermine Western security while Boris Johnson claims EU is now “force for instability and alienation”In an open letter to The Daily Telegraph, five former NATO secretaries-generals –Lord Carrington; Javier Solana; Lord Robertson; Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and Anders Fogh Rasmussen – describe the EU as a “key partner” for NATO in helping to “stave off instability” on the continent and the wider region. They argue, “At a time of global instability, and when NATO is trying to reinforce its role in Eastern Europe, it would be very troubling if the UK …read more

Source: Open Europe

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