: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Atlantic Council (USA)

      How Russia Sells Itself to the Long-Demoralized People of Donbas

      How Russia Sells Itself to the Long-Demoralized People of Donbas

      In the City of Stakhanov, a Cossack Commander and Local Radio Station Mix Nostalgias for Russia’s Greatness and Soviet Goodness While analysts of Russia’s assault on Ukraine debate the veiled question of President Vladimir Putin’s motives, little is hidden about how the Kremlin and its proxy forces are selling themselves to the...

      Ukraine News Roundup | November 7

      Ukraine News Roundup | November 7

      …read more Source: Atlantic...

      For Putin, Ukraine’s Elections Backfired. So Now it’s Back to War

      For Putin, Ukraine’s Elections Backfired. So Now it’s Back to War

      Analysts: Moscow Fights Now with Mercenaries and Local Trainees, But in 20 Weeks May Again Send Its Own Troops The Russian-Ukrainian conflict in southeastern Ukraine is sliding back quickly into all-out war. Ukraine’s Defense Ministry said this morning that its forces have killed 200 separatist fighters and destroyed four tanks, plus...

      Ukraine’s Need for Fast Reform Means Government Has No Time for Infighting

      Ukraine’s Need for Fast Reform Means Government Has No Time for Infighting

      Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk Must Cut Short Their Recent Signs of Rivalry As Ukraine’s new leading political parties renew their talks today, they can waste no time in forming the government that now must grapple with a financial emergency, economic crisis, and war in the east. They must avoid acrimony or drawn-out negotiations, yet some signs...

      Ukraine News Roundup | November 4

      Ukraine News Roundup | November 4

      Separatist Elections in Donbas Were a Step Toward Permanent Stalemate via New Republic Dangerous Duty: The Donbas Volunteer Who Retrieves Bodies from the Battlefield via Mashable Ukraine’s Revolutionary No. 1 Goes to Parliament via Bloomberg Among the Rebels: Welcome to the Cossack People’s Republic of Stakhanov via Politico On...

      Ukraine’s New Government: Here’s What to Expect

      Ukraine’s New Government: Here’s What to Expect

      Amid Horse-Trading by Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk, a New Parliament Speaker Is Likely The Atlantic Council’s Kyiv-based senior fellow, Brian Mefford, writes on the likely makeup of Ukraine’s post-election government. His key observations are below, and you can read his detailed analysis on his own blog. …read more Source: Atlantic...

      Russian-Ukraine Gas Deal Gives Moscow the Leverage and Europe the Energy

      Russian-Ukraine Gas Deal Gives Moscow the Leverage and Europe the Energy

      Ukrainians Will Get Gas, Too, But Their Cost and Risk of Cutoffs Remain High European Union leaders in Brussels may be celebrating the gas deal signed Thursday between Ukraine and Russia as an assurance of Russian gas supplies to Europe this winter, but Ukrainians can at best take cold comfort from the agreement. EU Energy Commissioner Guenther...

      Ukraine, ISIS Wars Increase Europe’s Risks in the Western Balkans

      Ukraine, ISIS Wars Increase Europe’s Risks in the Western Balkans

      Albania’s Defense Minister Urges EU, NATO: Engage More Urgently with Ex-Yugoslav Region Europe’s peace is at risk from the wars in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq—and nowhere more than in the Balkans, where several states of the former Yugoslavia form the weakest spot in Europe’s security structures. …read more Source: Atlantic...

      Ukraine Gas Deal May Show That the West’s Sanctions on Russia Are Working

      Ukraine Gas Deal May Show That the West’s Sanctions on Russia Are Working

      The gas supply deal signed in Brussels yesterday among Russia, Ukraine and the European Union “is perhaps the clearest indication yet that sanctions imposed on Russia are working in terms of changing Russia’s behavior,” writes Timothy Ash, an economist who directs emerging markets strategy at Standard Bank in London. …read more...

      Russian-Backed ‘People’s Republics’ in Ukraine Prepare Elections for Sunday

      Russian-Backed ‘People’s Republics’ in Ukraine Prepare Elections for Sunday

      Donetsk, Lugansk Vote for ‘Parliaments’ Violates Truce and Raises Risks, Say Analysts The Russian-backed, miniature, “people’s republics” declared in southeastern Ukraine are preparing to elect parliaments and heads of state on Sunday, a step backed by Moscow to consolidate their self-declared statehood. Those elections promise to...