: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Gatestone Institute (USA)

      Adopt Deterrence: US Waning Support for Ukraine, Israel and the Philippines Is a Threat to the Free World

      Adopt Deterrence: US Waning Support for Ukraine, Israel and the Philippines Is a Threat to the Free World

      The US neglect of vital security issues, from waning support for Ukraine and Israel, to its refusal to acknowledge the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear programme, is inflicting serious damage to America’s status as a global superpower. America’s alarming …read more Source:: Gatestone...

      Moscow Terror Attack: Is Ukraine Responsible?

      Moscow Terror Attack: Is Ukraine Responsible?

      All politics, as Karl Schmidt observed, is about the choice between friend and foe. Thomas Jefferson, however, used a category above that of a foe, hostis humani generis (enemy of the humankind), to describe terrorists, hostage-takers and all those who …read more Source:: Gatestone...

      Ukraine: Unintended Consequences

      Ukraine: Unintended Consequences

      Though Putin remains personally popular to a degree that would make any Western leader green with envy, the war is clearly losing popular backing. Latest polls, some sanctioned by Kremlin-controlled organs, show that the war enjoys no more than 30 to 40 …read more Source:: Gatestone...

      TikTok: China’s Instrument of War

      TikTok: China’s Instrument of War

      If you have TikTok on a device, you are getting what the Communist Party of China (CCP) wants you to see. The Chinese regime has used its algorithm to disseminate pro-Hamas disinformation, Russian narratives about the Ukraine war, and other pro-CCP …read more Source:: Gatestone...

      Ukraine: Putin’s Mixed Messages

      Ukraine: Putin’s Mixed Messages

      If Russia wins, which means defeating NATO, it would be elevated to the position of top dog not only in Europe but on the global stage. The message that takes shape is that notwithstanding his braggadocios, Putin is looking for a face-saving way out of a …read more Source:: Gatestone...

      A Hundred Days after Gaza’s October 7 (Part 4 of 4)

      A Hundred Days after Gaza’s October 7 (Part 4 of 4)

      Israel’s cause is the cause of the Free World as is Ukraine’s and Taiwan’s. Domestic supporters of Hamas, trying to constrain Israel by “lawfare” and by noisy street and media politics, are therefore a fifth column for our enemies and should be treated …read more Source:: Gatestone...

      Ukraine: Biden Helping Putin to Win

      Ukraine: Biden Helping Putin to Win

      The Biden administration’s persistent failure to provide Ukraine with the military supplies it requires is in serious danger of gifting victory to Russian President Vladimir Putin. [T]he Ukrainians… remain desperately short of key ammunition. [A]ny …read more Source:: Gatestone...

      Ukraine: The Decimation Point

      Ukraine: The Decimation Point

      [B]oth Russia and Ukraine have passed what military theoreticians call the “decimation point” when you see that you have lost at least 10% of your fighting manpower. In the West, public opinion saw the war as a means of keeping the Russian giant in …read more Source:: Gatestone...

      War Isn’t What It Used to Be

      War Isn’t What It Used to Be

      [T]his strange war [Russia’s invasion of Ukraine] is morphing into a pointless struggle that ignores the first rule of war, which is the setting of a final objective, in other words, a clear-cut victory. Wars do not end with one protagonist declaring …read more Source:: Gatestone...

      Ukraine’s Victory Over Russia Will Benefit Western Security

      Ukraine’s Victory Over Russia Will Benefit Western Security

      The slow rate of [Ukrainian] progress has also prompted politicians on both sides of the Atlantic to question whether it is worth continuing to support Ukraine’s military effort or instead concentrate their efforts on negotiating a peace settlement …read more Source:: Gatestone...