Section: Gatestone Institute (USA)
How The Biden Administration Is Getting Erdoğan’s Moves All Wrong
After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, when every sane country is staying away from wiring even a few cents to Russia, NATO “ally” Turkey is still talking about buying a second S-400 system. The result? The U.S. is further appeasing [Turkish President Recep …read more Source:: Gatestone...
Genocide for Profits
Putin’s genocidal war on Ukraine may have less to do with empire and far more to do with profits. Enormous profits. There has been considerable commentary about Putin’s war motives, from a belief that Ukraine is little more than an insurgent province of …read more Source:: Gatestone...
Will NATO Fight?
If NATO blood would in fact be spilt should Russia invade Poland or the Baltic states, why have we utterly rejected the prospect of spilling it to help protect Ukraine from Putin’s mass killings, torture, rape and destruction? Ukraine is not a NATO …read more Source:: Gatestone...
Perils of Putin’s Victory Parade
Rather than signaling the end of hostilities, Putin may announce a widening of the perimeters of a war he no longer controls. The invasion [of Ukraine] has led to an unexpected strengthening of creaking political and military bonds among Western powers …read more Source:: Gatestone...
Has The Metropolitan Opera Violated Anti-Discrimination Laws by Firing a Russian Singer?
The law of New York and many other jurisdictions prohibits employment discrimination based on national origin. Her firing would seem on its face illegal. Had she been born in the Donbas region of Ukraine instead of across the border in Russia, she would …read more Source:: Gatestone...
Putin “Begins Gas Blackmail of Europe”: The US Must Give Ukraine Warplanes to Defeat Russia
Now, following Russia’s dramatic decision this week to cut gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria, the West and its allies must give serious consideration to upgrading the level of military support they provide to Ukraine. The real reason, though, [that …read more Source:: Gatestone...
EU-China Relations: “Downward Spiral”
“For us Ukraine is the defining moment on whether we live in a world governed by rules or by force. We condemn Russian aggression against Ukraine and support this country’s sovereignty, democracy, not because we follow the US blindly, as sometimes …read more Source:: Gatestone...
Putin’s Genocide on Holocaust Memorial Day
If there are aliens who have taken a road trip to our remote part of the Milky Way they must be deeply appalled at what they continue to find here – most recently the calculated campaign by Putin’s Russian Army to murder civilians in Ukraine. If those …read more Source:: Gatestone...
Finland Will Strengthen NATO
Finland, throughout the Cold War, technically maintained its neutrality, but since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it has dropped all pretense of official non-alignment. Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin has indicated that a decision on whether to apply …read more Source:: Gatestone...
China or the USA?
The new agreement with Iran, then, is based on an imaginary assistance from Russia and China, when all three countries are committed to unseating America as the world’s leading superpower and evading US sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. …read more Source:: Gatestone...