: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Global Ukraine (Ukraine)

      Statement of Global Ukrainians expressing concern over unacceptable pressure on the Open Dialog Foundation in Poland

      Statement of Global Ukrainians expressing concern over unacceptable pressure on the Open Dialog Foundation in Poland

      Members of the Global Ukrainians network are alarmed by recent allegations (utterly unproven) coming from certain state media outlets in Poland concerning alleged ODF’s links to Russian secret services, and by mass distortion of information in reports of Euromaidan events. Open Dialog’s activists (Poland) are engaged in public...

      Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

      Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

      The aim of this call is to expand and strengthen the existing network of Intermediary Organisations (IOs) which act as local contact points for newly established entrepreneurs as well as experienced entrepreneurs in the participating countries. IOs will be selected to implement the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme at local level. They...

      Українці зі Світового Банку та МВФ влаштували вишиванковий флешмоб по всьому світу

      Українці зі Світового Банку та МВФ влаштували вишиванковий флешмоб по всьому світу

      Українці зі Світового Банку та МВФ влаштували вишиванковий флешмоб по всьому світу До Дня Вишиванки українці, що працюють у Світовому Банку, Міжнародному Валютному Фонді та Міжнародній Фінансовій Корпорації організували святковий флешмоб у різних країнах світу, де є офіc організацій та працюють українці. Про це VIDIA розповів Віталій Дубіль,...

      Canadian-born Myron Spolsky: “Many processes which occurred in the early days of independence should have been finished that time, but they are unnecessarily slow.”

      Canadian-born Myron Spolsky: “Many processes which occurred in the early days of independence should have been finished that time, but they are unnecessarily slow.”

      Written by: Taras Kosiuk, Yevgeny Matyushenko Source: UNIAN UNIAN sat down with Myron Spolsky, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian scouting organization Plast, an entrepreneur who has once moved from Canada to Ukraine and observed how the Ukrainian state and society have been changing over the years of independence. Mr Spolsky told his story of...

      Ten Reasons Why Ukraine’s Economy May Surprise You

      Ten Reasons Why Ukraine’s Economy May Surprise You

      Source: Atlantic Council Written by: Ruslan Minich and Volodymyr Yermolenko Grain, steel, and sunflower oil are probably Ukraine’s most famous exports, but they’re not the only ones. Ukraine’s growing reputation for excellence in IT and fashion are well known, but other areas of the economy are also dynamic, including aviation,...

      The II Ukrainian Gas Investment Forum took place on March 23, 2017 in Kyiv

      The II Ukrainian Gas Investment Forum took place on March 23, 2017 in Kyiv

      The II Ukrainian Gas Investment Forum focused on attracting investments to the Ukrainian gas sector was held on March 23, 2017 in Kyiv. Forum Organizer – A7 CONFERENCES, Co-organizer – International law firm Dentons, Strategic Partner – Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine, Energy Partner – DTEK, Partner – ENGIE, Partner – Arab Energy...

      Intercontinental Startup Battle in San Francisco

      Intercontinental Startup Battle in San Francisco

      We are happy to announce Intercontinental Startup Battle – one of the most important business events of 2017! Produced in collaboration by Startup.Network and HACK Temple. This is an international investment battle, in which the most advantageous and investment-appealing startups from East European countries and California are going to fight....

      Science without borders: interview with cofounders of the Ukrainian Academic International Network

      Science without borders: interview with cofounders of the Ukrainian Academic International Network

      Author: Marta D’omochkoConversation partners: Co-initiators of the Ukrainian Academic International Network (the UKRAINE Network) and co-founders of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society (www.ukrainet.eu), Olga Garaschuk, Neurobiologist, Professor, University of Tübingen, President of the Society Matthias Epple, Chemist, Professor,...

      This IE EMBA Is Tackling The Humanitarian Crisis In Eastern Ukraine

      This IE EMBA Is Tackling The Humanitarian Crisis In Eastern Ukraine

      Written by Marco De Novellis Source: businessbecause.com Vitaliy graduated with an Executive MBA from Spain’s IE Business School in 2016. Whether it’s in or out of headlines, the Ukraine crisis continues. According to the UN, almost ten thousand have died since the conflict started in April 2014, and tens of thousands more have been...

      «Укрзалізниця» оголосила конкурс на кращий дизайн-проект інтер’єру пасажирського вагона

      «Укрзалізниця» оголосила конкурс на кращий дизайн-проект інтер’єру пасажирського вагона

      “Укрзалізниця» з 25 січня 2017 оголошує відкритий конкурс на кращий дизайн-проект інтер’єру пасажирського вагона. В конкурсі можуть взяти участь на волонтерських засадах як відомі дизайн-студії, так і молоді талановиті дизайнери, які прагнуть заявити про себе та мають свій погляд на інтер’єр сучасного пасажирського вагона,...