: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      What threats the fulfilment of the Minsk Agreements poses to Ukraine

      What threats the fulfilment of the Minsk Agreements poses to Ukraine

      In his comment to the website Segodnia, Co-director of Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes of the Razumkov Centre Oleksiy Melnyk spoke about the threats which full compliance with the Minsk Agreement poses to Ukraine. …read more Source: Razumkov...

      Leveraging Europe’s International Economic Power

      Leveraging Europe’s International Economic Power

      In an article written in 1978 to make the case for a U.S. economic diplomacy toward the USSR, Samuel Huntington argued that “harnessing economic power to foreign policy goals presents formidable obstacles: bureaucratic pluralism and inertia; congressional and interest group politics; the conflicting pulls of alliance diplomacy; and most...

      Russian Savchenko Trial Farce Ends. Bring on the Sanctions

      Russian Savchenko Trial Farce Ends. Bring on the Sanctions

      If you think that Russia’s leaders can’t plummet lower, think again. Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister has explained that they reneged on the agreement to allow Ukrainian doctors to examine Savchenko because of her “defiant behaviour” in court and “her insulting pronouncements addressed at the court” …read more Source:...

      Cossack Patrols in Stavropol Receive Stronger Policing Powers

      Cossack Patrols in Stavropol Receive Stronger Policing Powers

      The government of Stavropol region is set to expand the powers of Cossack patrols in the region. According to new legislation proposed by the regional council, citizens who disobey Cossack patrols now will be subject to fines. Meanwhile, Cossack leaders say that citizens already do not disobey Cossack patrols, given that the Cossacks patrol...

      Russia’s Newest Balkan Games

      Russia’s Newest Balkan Games

      Experts have long known that the Balkans are a political battleground between Russia and the West. And this chronic non-military conflict has only intensified with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and intervention in Syria. Clearly, Moscow regards both democracy and European integration—the two key issues in the Balkans—as dangerous to Russian...

      Washington Hubris on Full Display at London Foreign Policy Speech

      Washington Hubris on Full Display at London Foreign Policy Speech

      Any doubts that the US government views the nature of its relationship with the UK on foreign policy as one of subservience can be finally put to rest after the visit to London last week of Evelyn Farkas, former US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia. Farkas, who was relieved of her position in the Obama administration...

      Ukrainian Journalist Details Her 419 Days In Separatist Captivity

      Ukrainian Journalist Details Her 419 Days In Separatist Captivity

      The separatists would tell Maria Varfolomeyeva that she had “resort conditions” in her captivity. “As if, when you don’t get beaten up, that’s a resort,” she said. …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      Two Faces of Russia’s Foreign Policy

      Two Faces of Russia’s Foreign Policy

      To receive an email when a new post becomes available, please subscribe here. Originally many in the West tended to view Russia’s Syrian adventure as yet another one of “Moscow’s gambits.” Commentators described Ukraine and Syria in the same breath. But Russia is eager to demonstrate that the two projects could hardly be more...

      Are We Incapable of Ending Wars?

      Are We Incapable of Ending Wars?

      (Image: Flickr / Ivana Vasilj) Jason Smith was both very unlucky and very lucky. His bad luck began on February 20, 2015, when he was walking back to his home in McAdoo, Pennsylvania on a very cold evening. He doesn’t quite remember what happened, but he thinks that he tripped and fell face down into the snow. He lost consciousness and...

      Tyrannical Tendencies: Ukraine’s New January 16th Law

      Tyrannical Tendencies: Ukraine’s New January 16th Law

      On February 16, the same day it almost approved no confidence in the government, Ukraine’s parliament successfully passed law #3700 on its eighteenth attempt. While the law was overshadowed by the controversy over the vote on the government, the legislation is the equivalent of a new “January 16th law” for Ukrainian politicians.What is a...