: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Lenin’s Misguided Policies Helped Destroy USSR, Putin Says

      Lenin’s Misguided Policies Helped Destroy USSR, Putin Says

      Transfer of Donbas region to Ukraine was ‘nonsense,’ Russian leader says. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Common Ground for European Defense: National Defense and Security Strategies Offer Building Blocks for a   European Defense Strategy

      Common Ground for European Defense: National Defense and Security Strategies Offer Building Blocks for a European Defense Strategy

      Momentum is growing behind a European defense strategy. Initial plans for the European Global Strategy review process did not foresee a military dimension. However, the violent conflict to Europe’s east and south, as well as terrorist attacks at home, have underlined that the role of military power in international affairs, specifically in...

      Breaking The Bribe Culture Is Still A Challenge For Ukraine

      Breaking The Bribe Culture Is Still A Challenge For Ukraine

      January 26, 2016 …read more Source: Center on Global...

      Not So Fast, Mr. Inozemtsov

      Not So Fast, Mr. Inozemtsov

      Responding to an article that Ambassadors Steven Pifer, William Taylor, and I wrote in The New York Times advocating greater US and EU assistance to Ukraine, Vladislav Inozemtsov wrote a provocative article January 19 in which he makes the case that Kyiv should cede the occupied territories of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR), Luhansk...

      Putin may be preparing a bombing in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

      Putin may be preparing a bombing in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

      FROM THE ARCHIVE _______________________ Illarionov: Putin may be preparing a bombing in Saudi Arabia and Qatar A blow to the military, infrastructural and energy facilities Saudi Arabia and Qatar is coveted for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s strategic operation, ex-presidential adviser Andrei Illarionov, Russia. November 18, 2015...

      Russia may use a trick of offering its peacekeeping mission in Donbas

      Russia may use a trick of offering its peacekeeping mission in Donbas

      In the comment to the website Novoe Vremia, Co-director of Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes of the Razumkov Centre Oleksiy Melnyk explained what threats could arise when the UN Security Council would be addressing the issue of the deployment of peacekeepers in Donbas to resolve the conflict. Since 23 January, the UN...



      BY WILLIAM COURTNEY , DONALD JENSEN ON 1/24/16 …Russia’s current policies put at risk three key ambitions—material well-being, political stability and the ability to exercise power and influence abroad. “In all three contexts, Russia is losing ground …” Russia is a great power whose reach now exceeds its grasp. Although capable of bold...

      It is Indecision Time for Putin, as Russia Muddles Down Ungoverned

      It is Indecision Time for Putin, as Russia Muddles Down Ungoverned

      The annual Davos gathering of the World Economic Forum used to be an occasion where Russia’s always uncertain future was a key topic for debates and investment decisions, but this year it was pointedly ignored. Russia is indeed irrelevant for the main theme of this Forum—the “fourth industrial revolution”, in which information and...

      Ukrainians Need to Stop Waiting for Their White Knight

      Ukrainians Need to Stop Waiting for Their White Knight

      My source leaned forward and said with a muffled voice: “The latest news is that grey cardinal Igor Kononenko’s men have been placed inside Ukrainian Railways, and Member of Parliament Sergei Fayermak of the People’s Front is now in charge of all the seaports.” This conversation with a government insider took place in the...

      The Tide Is Going Out on Putin

      The Tide Is Going Out on Putin

      Russia is losing ground in domestic politics, economics, and foreign policy. It could take steps to strengthen its position, such as withdrawing from Ukraine, privatizing inefficient state enterprises, and improving the investment climate. …read more Source:...