: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Questions of Cost, Security, Challenge Russia’s World Cup Preparations

      Questions of Cost, Security, Challenge Russia’s World Cup Preparations

      This weekend’s European Championship draw offers an opportunity to examine the current status of Russia’s progress towards the 2018 World Cup. December 11, 2015 By Manuel Veth This Friday, the Union of European Football Associations—the administrative body for association football in Europe—will draw the groups for the European...

      Putin’s Power Play in Syria

      Putin’s Power Play in Syria

      At the end of September, Russia began conducting air strikes in Syria, ostensibly to combat terrorist groups. The strikes constitute Russia’s biggest intervention in the Middle East in decades. Its unanticipated military foray into Syria has transformed the civil war there into a proxy U.S.-Russian conflict and has raised the stakes in the...

      How not to have a conversation about foreign policy

      How not to have a conversation about foreign policy

      Oxford Dictionaries define “ad hominem” as an argument “directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.” It is therefore disappointing that in his article about libertarianism and foreign policy in The American Conservative, my former colleague at the Cato Institute, Doug Bandow, spends as much time dissecting the...

      Unlike many EU politicians, Biden objectively assessed the situation in Donbas

      Unlike many EU politicians, Biden objectively assessed the situation in Donbas

      Co-director of Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes of the Razumkov Centre Oleksiy Melnyk says that the most serious and not very pleasant message for the Ukrainian politics given by Joe Biden is obvious concern about the level of corruption in Ukraine and the lack of progress in the fight against it, informs the website...

      Russian Prosecutor Accuses Khodorkovsky of Murder and Coup Plot

      Russian Prosecutor Accuses Khodorkovsky of Murder and Coup Plot

      Fresh murder charge comes after Mikhail Khodorkovsky allegedly called for violent overthrow of authorities under President Putin. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Toxic Waste Remains at Ukraine Site, Despite $125m Project

      Toxic Waste Remains at Ukraine Site, Despite $125m Project

      Investigation by Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project points to a dangerous fraud. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Postcard from Minsk

      Postcard from Minsk

      December 2015Fifth-term blues: Belarus needs reform but its leader isn’t keen, Volume 71, Number 6Author: Artyom Shraibman is a contributor to the independent Belarusian news portal www.tut.by Alexander Lukashenka, who was known as the last dictator of Europe until the title drifted to Vladimir Putin, has won a fifth term as president of...

      Three Reasons why the West should not Forget about Ukraine

      Three Reasons why the West should not Forget about Ukraine

      Europe cannot afford to let New Ukraine die, and the élan of a people fighting to join Europe should be an inspiration to Europe’s old guard to build a New Europe too. …read more Source: European Council on Foreign...

      The End of Russia’s ‘International Isolation’: Potential Implications for Ukraine

      The End of Russia’s ‘International Isolation’: Potential Implications for Ukraine

      The Islamist terrorist assault in Paris on November 13, traced in part to the Syria crisis, has conclusively broken what the Barack Obama administration had claimed to be Russia’s international isolation over its aggression in Ukraine. The Paris attack was the turning point in a series of events (all against the backdrop of failed Western...

      Russia’s Intervention in Syria: Potential Implications for Ukraine

      Russia’s Intervention in Syria: Potential Implications for Ukraine

      Russia is angling for recognition as the West’s ally in combating “international terrorism.” This, ostensibly, is the rationale of Russia’s military intervention in Syria—an operation made possible by the forfeiture of the Pax Americana in the Middle East, with ripple effects now engulfing Europe. The Kremlin exploits this opportunity...