: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Democracy and Disorientation: Ukraine Votes in Local Elections

      Democracy and Disorientation: Ukraine Votes in Local Elections

      Ukrainians will go to the polls on October 25 to choose their mayors and local council deputies. …read more Source: Carnegie Endowment for International...

      Netanyahu, the Grand Mufti and the Holocaust: why it is important to get the historical facts right

      Netanyahu, the Grand Mufti and the Holocaust: why it is important to get the historical facts right

      The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, met with Adolf Hitler in 1941. Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1987-004-09A, Amin al Husseini und Adolf Hitler” by Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1987-004-09A / Heinrich Hoffmann, CC BY-SAIn a speech to the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem on October 20, the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused...

      High Turnout of Grumpy Voters Expected in Ukraine Elections

      High Turnout of Grumpy Voters Expected in Ukraine Elections

      Residents of rebel-held areas and many internally displaced people can’t vote in the third round of nationwide elections since the Maidan uprising. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Norway May Turn Back Bicycle-Mounted Asylum Seekers

      Norway May Turn Back Bicycle-Mounted Asylum Seekers

      Is Oslo’s new policy a sign of warming relations with Moscow or ‘Russophobia’? …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Imperial Gamble Doesn’t Pay Off: New Book Gets Ukraine’s History Wrong

      Imperial Gamble Doesn’t Pay Off: New Book Gets Ukraine’s History Wrong

      In his new book, Imperial Gamble: Putin, Ukraine and the New Cold War, the renowned American journalist Marvin Kalb touches on an issue outside his traditional area of expertise in domestic politics: the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and its implications for US-Russia relations. …read more Source: Atlantic...

      The migration of Ukrainians in times of crisis

      The migration of Ukrainians in times of crisis

      The year 2015 brought a rapid surge in the number of Ukrainians migrating to the EU, again mainly to Poland. …read more Source: Centre for Eastern Studies...

      Ukraine’s Testing Local Elections

      Ukraine’s Testing Local Elections

      The October 25 local elections in Ukraine are a major test of the country’s political mood, and the results will affect ongoing reform processes for the foreseeable future. …read more Source: Carnegie Endowment for International...

      Assad’s Moscow cameo shows that Russia wants a deal

      Assad’s Moscow cameo shows that Russia wants a deal

      This week, unexpectedly, Syrian President Bashar Assad turned up in Moscow. He hasn’t been seen outside Syria since unrest broke out four years ago. The trip makes two important statements. The first is that, thanks to Russian air strikes, the Syrian state — the actual Syrian state recognised under international law — is breathing again....

      Russia’s Fourth Front: Central Asia

      Russia’s Fourth Front: Central Asia

      Russian leaders have long held a deeply pessimistic view about Afghanistan’s future prospects as well as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) strategy there (Mil.ru, December 10, 2014). Indeed, late last year, Russian and Central Asian officials raised the possibility of reinforcing Russian army units on the...

      Video: Human Rights Challenges in Europe: The Refugee Crisis and War in Ukraine

      Video: Human Rights Challenges in Europe: The Refugee Crisis and War in Ukraine

      featuring read more …read more Source: Center for Strategic and International...