Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Hitting A Sour Note
The Ukraine-Russia conflict has opened deep divisions on the music scene, as some artists take up political stances and others try to avoid controversy. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
The Government We Deserve?
The problem with the twenty-four hour news cycle is that everything being reported comes and goes too quickly to connect the dots. I noted a number of stories during the past several weeks that should have raised all kinds of red flags, particularly if considered together, but they frequently received such limited media coverage and were gone so...
Radio Free Acton: Samuel Gregg and Todd Huizenga on the EU’s Refugee Crisis
On this edition of Radio Free Acton, Acton Institute Director of Research Samuel Gregg and Director of International Outreach Todd Huizenga discuss the ongoing refugee crisis in Europe, the strain that the crisis is putting on the European Union, and what the likely long-term impact of the crisis will be. You can listen to the podcast via the...
Orwell at the UN: Obama Re-Defines Democracy as ‘a Country That Supports US Policy’
In his Orwellian September 28, 2015 speech to the United Nations, President Obama said that if democracy had existed in Syria, there never would have been a revolt against Assad. By that, he meant ISIL. Where there is democracy, he said, there is no violence or revolution. This was his threat to promote revolution, coups and violence against any...
Moscow Launches Hybrid ‘Rail War’ Against Latvia
Russia’s aggression against its neighbors is often called “hybrid” war because it makes use of techniques that give the Kremlin deniability in the eyes of some while allowing Russia to advance its power into the territories of other states. If one accepts that definition, even if not the term itself, then Moscow is now waging a hybrid “rail...
Ukraine Must Embrace Radical Reform Now
If the Ukrainian government does not follow through with an ambitious reform agenda, public support will wane while dissatisfaction will increase, threatening political stability and the country’s future. “There is no time for slow evolutionary changes. Radical and revolutionary reforms are the only way to success,” warns a new...
Munk Debate on Foreign Policy: The best debate of all?
Monday night, the Munk Debate forum hosted this election’s only debate focusing on foreign policy. Party leaders Stephen Harper, Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair went head-to-head over Canada’s record on refugees, Bill C51 and the Arctic. Was it a success? We rounded up reviews from a handful of experts that delve into who won, who...
Halfway There on National Unity in Ukraine
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has lost the battle for the hearts and minds of the predominantly Russian-speaking regions of eastern and southern Ukraine that remain under Kyiv’s control. Support for those he calls “compatriots” has been at the core of Putin’s stated rationale for intervention in Ukraine. Polls...
Will Assad Rescue Putin from the Ukrainian Quagmire?
For fifteen years, Gleb Pavlovsky worked as an adviser to Russian Presidents Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, and the one-term Dmitry Medvedev. He was one of the chief architects behind the “power vertical” concept— the need for a strong leader in order to create stability. Freedom and democracy were supposed to “come...
Domestic and External Threats to the Euromaidan Revolutionaries in Ukraine
Although separatist violations of the Ukrainian ceasefire are down, the Minsk-II accords are not being fulfilled in key areas. read more …read more Source: Center for Strategic and International...