Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Even After Iran Deal, Putin Won’t Get His Way in Ukraine
Ever since US Secretary of State John Kerry visited Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi last May, Ukraine’s friends have been concerned that in its eagerness to ensure Kremlin support for a deal with Iran, the White House was willing to let Putin have his way in Ukraine. Advocates of this outlook point to five developments:In Sochi,...
Russia, Lithuania Tussle Over Reporter’s Extradition, EU Finds Billions for Migrant Aid
Plus, IMF call to tax the poor puts Albania in a dilemma, and a Bernini masterpiece resurfaces only to vanish from Slovakia. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
Ukraine Bans 38 Russian ‘Hate Books’ Amid Culture War
August 11, 2015 …read more Source: Center on Global...
The Ebbing of the Patriotic Wave
President Vladimir Putin has seen his approval rating reach a record-high of 89 percent in recent months, riding a wave of so-called “patriotic mobilization” triggered by Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine. But are Russians truly enthusiastic about Putin’s policies, or are they merely passive supporters? Donald Jensen, resident...
Greece said to have reached deal with creditors on third bailout
Greece said to have reached deal with creditors on third bailoutReuters reports that, after talks running through the night, Greece has reached a deal with its creditors. Officials said some “minor issues remained to be ironed out.” The bailout will total €86bn, as expected, and will likely be put to the Greek parliament in the next day or two,...
Emergence of a Russian ‘Fifth Column’ and Propaganda Machine Inside Azerbaijan
The recent intensification of high-level exchanges between the governments of Azerbaijan and Russia—most recently exemplified by the visits of the Azerbaijani foreign and defense ministers to Moscow (TASS, July 17; APA, July 31)—poses a number of questions about the aim and scope of these bilateral talks. Evidence suggests that Russia is seeking...
Western Diplomacy Unable to See Beyond Minsk Two in Ukraine
Diplomacy by the United States and Western Europe has recently intensified pressure on Ukraine to legitimize the Russian-controlled Donetsk and Luhansk “people’s republics” (see EDM, July 31). Meanwhile, Moscow has almost fallen silent on this issue at the official level. Until the end of June, President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Affairs...
Russia’s Reputation Sinks Precipitously in International Opinion Polls
While breaking the norms of international behavior at its own discretion, Russia may fancy itself a champion of change in the world order; but in fact, it is increasingly seen as an arrogant maverick and a sore loser. Russian media reported, with little commentary, the findings of the recent Pew Research Center poll. According to this...
Chaos in the Arab World Suits Russia’s Domestic Propaganda
Chaos in the Arab world has offered the Kremlin a convenient opportunity to shape public opinion at home on such issues as the legitimacy of the regime, its confrontation with the West and the situation in Ukraine. …read more Source: Carnegie Endowment for International...
Michael McFaul On Forum With Michael Krasny
Interviewsinterview with Michael McFaulvia Forum with Michael Krasny (KQED)Hoover Institution fellow Michael McFaul discusses the Russia cyberattack, Putin and crises in Ukraine. …read more Source: Hoover...