: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Reform Agenda in Kyiv on Slow Burn, But in Odesa, Saakashvili Already Delivers

      Reform Agenda in Kyiv on Slow Burn, But in Odesa, Saakashvili Already Delivers

      “I come away from this visit to Odesa with a sense of optimism,” wrote US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt after his recent trip there. After I posted Pyatt’s article to my Facebook page in an attempt to diminish the growing fatigue of fellow Ukrainians over the mixed results of the new government’s reforms, angry reactions...

      Hundreds Of Ukrainian Right-Wingers Hold Anti-Government Rally In Kiev; Call For A Referendum

      Hundreds Of Ukrainian Right-Wingers Hold Anti-Government Rally In Kiev; Call For A Referendum

      July 22, 2015 …read more Source: Center on Global...

      Bosnian Leaders in Goodwill Trip to Belgrade, Moscow Warns Sweden to Stay Out of NATO

      Bosnian Leaders in Goodwill Trip to Belgrade, Moscow Warns Sweden to Stay Out of NATO

      Plus, Russia’s muckraking Novaya Gazeta faces official sanction and Kazakhstani experts say a common gas is behind a bizarre sleeping sickness. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      We Are All Ukrainians Now

      We Are All Ukrainians Now

      My first visit to Ukraine was in February 1992 and the City of Kiev was gray, bleak and joyless as was the rest of the Soviet Union. Last month I re-visited—23 years and several other assignments later—to find a new nation of extremes. There is prosperity and there is poverty; there is peace and war; cynicism and hope; there are reformers in high...

      The final decision on the case of the MH17 crash should be made by an international tribunal

      The final decision on the case of the MH17 crash should be made by an international tribunal

      Official results of the international investigation of the passenger Boeing-777 crash in Donbas are going to be published in autumn. However, the world is already discussing the need to create an international tribunal to prosecute those responsible for the plane crash, informs the news agency UNIAN. Co-director of Foreign Relations and...

      A Moldovan Yerevan

      A Moldovan Yerevan

      Near-bankrupt and facing utility rate hikes and budget cuts, is Moldova in for a period of unrest? …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      The MH17 Anniversary Marks Steady Progress

      The MH17 Anniversary Marks Steady Progress

      The one year anniversary of the downing of MH17 shows steady progress has been made in the fight for justice, however many questions still remain unanswered. 17 July 2015 marked the anniversary of the tragic downing of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) that was scheduled to fly from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. The Boeing airliner was shot...

      Divisions Revealed As Kremlin Critic Moves To Work For Ukraine Government

      Divisions Revealed As Kremlin Critic Moves To Work For Ukraine Government

      July 21, 2015 …read more Source: Center on Global...

      Russian Military Reform: The Ukraine Conflict and Its Impact on Morale

      Russian Military Reform: The Ukraine Conflict and Its Impact on Morale

      Evidence has emerged in Russia’s Southern Military District (MD) that the conflict in Ukraine is not popular among Russian contract personnel (kontraktniki). Reportedly “dozens” of kontraktniki have absconded from or deserted their units on grounds of their opposition to being sent to fight in Donbas. After more than a year of the...

      Belarus and the Debate on the Intrinsic Value of Social Order

      Belarus and the Debate on the Intrinsic Value of Social Order

      The upcoming presidential campaign in Belarus is gaining momentum. This pivotal theme is being discussed against the backdrop of, and in conjunction with, two other phenomena: the ongoing economic decline and regional geopolitics. Alongside the incumbent, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka, thirteen candidates applied to the Central Electoral...