Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Elections and Politics in and Around Belarus
The chairwoman of the Central Electoral Commission of Belarus, Lidia Ermoshina, has proposed to conduct the upcoming presidential elections on October 11—that is, more than one month earlier than the previously set date of November 15. The official explanation of this shift has to do with the constitutional necessity for the parliament to...
Ukrainian Website Publishes Purported Detailed Russian Invasion Plan of Eastern Ukraine
On June 16, the Ukrainian website Mirotvorets published what are allegedly Russian military draft plans of a massive military invasion of eastern Ukraine. The invasion plan or “special operation of army group ‘North’ ” was apparently put together by the staff of the Western Military District (ZVO) in St. Petersburg...
Anger Over Hungary’s Anti-Migrant Border Fence, ECHR Rules on First Armenia-Azerbaijan Cases
Plus, HRW warns that Dagestan authorities are targeting a Muslim group, and a Russian NGO targeted by ‘foreign agent’ law is closing. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
Switching Spymasters Amid War is Risky
Valentin Nalyvychenko, head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), is in trouble again. On June 15, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he was “unsatisfied” with Nalyvychenko’s work. Three days later, Ukraine’s parliament dismissed him.At a time when the Minsk II ceasefire agreement is a ceasefire in name only and...
The Living Legacy of Helsinki
Forty years ago, 35 countries, including the US and most of Europe, signed the Helsinki Final Act, setting the stage for the end of the Cold War. As violence in Ukraine rages on, Europe’s leaders would do well to reaffirm the principles underlying that world-changing pact. …read more Source: Project Syndicate (Czech...
The media storm over Transnistria
2015-06-17Kamil CałusJan StrzeleckiThe media in Russia and Transnistria are building up the threat of war from Ukraine and Moldova against the separatist republic. The Ukrainian parliament’s termination on 21 May of the agreement with Russia on the transit of Russian troops to Transnistria, and Moldova’s decision to limit Russian...
Tsipras: We’re ready to say “big No” to bad deal for Greece
Tsipras: We’re ready to say “big No” to bad deal for GreeceGreek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told reporters yesterday, “The Greek government will bear the cost of carrying through this difficult agreement [with lenders]…We will assume the responsibility to say ‘the big No’ to a continuation of the catastrophic policies for Greece.”...
The 2015 Global Peace Index
The 2015 Global Peace Index has been released today and shows that overall, global peace levels remained stable in 2014; but are lower than 2008. However the overall score disguises an increasing division between the most and least peaceful nations. Since last year, four out of the nine geographical regions experienced an improvement in peace:...
And Then There Were Five: The Plight of Ukraine’s Oligarchs
Ukraine’s five wealthiest people have lost a collective $9.75 billion in the last year. To put this number in perspective, the IMF’s bailout package is worth $17.5 billion. …read more Source: Carnegie Endowment for International...
Bringing Belarus Back in From the Cold (Part Four)
To read Part One, please click here.To read Part Two, please click here.To read Part Three, please click here. To help lessen Belarus’s economic dependence on Russia, and reach out to mainstream Belarusian society, the European Union has a range of non-political instruments available. The EU can, for example: work with the Euroclear...