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Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Parliamentary coailition will unite behind Ukraine’s future accession to the EU

      Parliamentary coailition will unite behind Ukraine’s future accession to the EU

      In recent parliamentary election backing for billionaire President Petro Poroshenko’s party and the Popular Front of his Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk tops 40 percent, while the Regions Party of deposed leader Viktor Yanukovych wasn’t running. Poroshenko wants to build a coalition with other pro-European parties, the Bloomberg...

      The People’s Front success gives Yatsenyuk a serious claim to stay on as premier

      The People’s Front success gives Yatsenyuk a serious claim to stay on as premier

      The People’s Front and Poroshenko’s bloc were neck-and-neck with 21.9 percent and 21.5 percent after almost 73 percent of ballots had been counted for party lists in recent parliamentary election in Ukraine, the Bloomberg reports. The showing for Yatsenyuk’s party gives him “a very serious claim” to stay on as premier, according...

      The Cradle Will Fall

      The Cradle Will Fall

      In Russia, parents of babies with developmental disabilities face pressure from both society and the medical establishment to abandon their children at birth. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Ukraine’s New Government: Here’s What to Expect

      Ukraine’s New Government: Here’s What to Expect

      Amid Horse-Trading by Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk, a New Parliament Speaker Is Likely The Atlantic Council’s Kyiv-based senior fellow, Brian Mefford, writes on the likely makeup of Ukraine’s post-election government. His key observations are below, and you can read his detailed analysis on his own blog. …read more Source: Atlantic...

      Apakan on Ukraine: “To Be Present Is Important”

      Apakan on Ukraine: “To Be Present Is Important”

      On November 3rd, IPI’s Vienna office hosted Ambassador Ertugrul Apakan, Chief Monitor of the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Since April 14, 2014, Ambassador Apakan has led the approximately 300 international monitors from more than 40 OSCE participating states that are...

      Russian-Ukraine Gas Deal Gives Moscow the Leverage and Europe the Energy

      Russian-Ukraine Gas Deal Gives Moscow the Leverage and Europe the Energy

      Ukrainians Will Get Gas, Too, But Their Cost and Risk of Cutoffs Remain High European Union leaders in Brussels may be celebrating the gas deal signed Thursday between Ukraine and Russia as an assurance of Russian gas supplies to Europe this winter, but Ukrainians can at best take cold comfort from the agreement. EU Energy Commissioner Guenther...

      5 national security priorities for Congress

      5 national security priorities for Congress

      Whatever the result of Tuesday’s midterm elections, the fundamental dynamics in Washington are unlikely to change. Neither party will have 60 votes in the Senate, the House GOP will still contain divided factions and the president will surely continue to focus on solidifying his major legislative accomplishment in Obamacare. While more...

      Ponta, Iohannis to Battle for Romanian Presidency, Ukraine’s Breakaway Regions Vote

      Ponta, Iohannis to Battle for Romanian Presidency, Ukraine’s Breakaway Regions Vote

      Plus, EU officials reportedly pressure Kosovo journalist, and builders find Jewish gravestones in foundations of Soviet-era Belarusian homes. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Naftogaz Is Ukraine’s Achilles’ Heel

      Naftogaz Is Ukraine’s Achilles’ Heel

      Ukraine’s state-owned energy giant is a source of corruption that oligarchs and Russia can exploit. The EU should consider becoming a major stakeholder in the network. …read more Source: Carnegie Endowment for International...

      Ukraine, ISIS Wars Increase Europe’s Risks in the Western Balkans

      Ukraine, ISIS Wars Increase Europe’s Risks in the Western Balkans

      Albania’s Defense Minister Urges EU, NATO: Engage More Urgently with Ex-Yugoslav Region Europe’s peace is at risk from the wars in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq—and nowhere more than in the Balkans, where several states of the former Yugoslavia form the weakest spot in Europe’s security structures. …read more Source: Atlantic...