: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Without Russian support, the anti-Kyiv insurgency would lose

      Without Russian support, the anti-Kyiv insurgency would lose

      The war is reaching a crunch point. Pushing forward with artillery and bombing raids, Ukrainian forces are recapturing territory and closing in on rebel forces in the east, – the Economist writes. The mood in Kyiv, as Co-director of the Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes at the Razumkov Centre Oleksiy Melnyk sums it up, is to...

      How Germany Should Address the Threat of a Large-Scale Conventional Attack

      How Germany Should Address the Threat of a Large-Scale Conventional Attack

      The 2011 German Defence Policy Guidelines state that “a direct territorial threat to Germany involving conventional military means remains an unlikely event”. Though experts may still disagree on the likelihood of the threat, given recent events in Ukraine, there should be consensus about necessity to consider it as a real rather than a...

      And Then They Marched Off to War: Azerbaijan and Armenia on the Precipice

      And Then They Marched Off to War: Azerbaijan and Armenia on the Precipice

      For over twenty years, Armenia has occupied huge swathes of Azerbaijan, in violation of written and customary international law. For over twenty years, Armenia’s war crimes and atrocities, its occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding provinces, its ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijani refugees — all have stagnated, festering and all but...

      Expert Q&A: What is the Best Strategy to Decrease EU Energy Dependence on Russia?

      Expert Q&A: What is the Best Strategy to Decrease EU Energy Dependence on Russia?

      The Ukraine crisis highlighted the problems associated with EU dependence on Russian gas, and greater EU energy independence is now a high priority for decision-makers. In our second “Expert Q&A,” we posed this question to 3 energy and EU policy experts: What is the most effective way to decrease EU dependence on Russian energy?...

      The Verkhovna Rada has to pass amendments to the budget proposed by the Government

      The Verkhovna Rada has to pass amendments to the budget proposed by the Government

      The Verkhovna Rada has to pass amendments to the budget. This opinion was expressed by Director of Economic Programmes of the Razumkov Centre Vasyl Yurchyshyn, informs the newspaper Vysokyi Zamok. “The government bill can be criticised but the situation offers no alternative. We have negative economic dynamics,” emphasised the expert....

      European leaders are trying to soften their attitude to Russia again

      European leaders are trying to soften their attitude to Russia again

      Co-director of Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes of the Razumkov Centre Oleksiy Melnyk commented to the newspaper Den why it is important to recognise DPR and LPR terrorist organisations, and why Western countries can’t give up on cooperation with Russia completely. The need of the law on partial mobilisation was...

      Snap parliamentary elections in Ukraine will probably hold at the end of October

      Snap parliamentary elections in Ukraine will probably hold at the end of October

      Ukraine’s coalition collapsed after two parties quit during a months-long pro-Russian insurgency in the nation’s east that downed a Malaysian Air jet last week, the Bloomberg reports. “We will probably have snap parliamentary elections at the end of October,” Deputy Director General, Director of Political and Legal...

      Solidarity and Confidence Needed to Sanction Russia

      Solidarity and Confidence Needed to Sanction Russia

      The Ukraine conflict continues to deteriorate, but the EU’s major players are still not getting serious towards Russia. Germany, France and the UK are concerned about their immediate economic interests and point fingers at each other. They need political pressure from all of us to compromise and share the burden of confronting Russia with...

      Unrest in Donbas is caused by the staff of Russian intelligence agencies

      Unrest in Donbas is caused by the staff of Russian intelligence agencies

      Now, in Donbas, there is such a kaleidoscope of armed groups fighting that it is very difficult to identify between the soldiers of “the DPR army” and small gangs involved in robbery. This opinion was expressed by Co-director of Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes of the Razumkov Centre Oleksiy Melnyk, informs the...

      The visit of the delegation from the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue

      The visit of the delegation from the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue

      On July 14, 2014 the Razumkov Centre was visited by the delegation of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (Geneva, Switzerland), which consisted of Senior Fellow of Brookings Institute Jean-Marie Guehenno and Regional Director David Borman. On behalf of the Razumkov Centre, the meeting was attended by Director General Anatoliy Rachok, Deputy...