Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
It’s time to cut Greece loose
The Greek debt crisis is back in the news. According to the Greek authorities, the country’s economy shrank by 0.4 per cent in the final quarter of 2016. “Experts” had expected it to grow by 0.4 per cent. Despite a number of bailouts amounting to some 240 billion euros, and a host of supposed reforms (which I will address below), the Greek...
Kyiv, Rebels Agree on Weapons Pullback
Nationalist-led blockade on goods coming from rebel zone threatens to cripple heavy industry. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
Counter-Radicalisation at the Coalface: Lessons for Europe and Beyond
Europe is on a high state of alert after several terror attacks – and more are thought to be in the pipeline. So which strategy should governments adopt to address radicalisation and prevent future attacks? Download the article (PDF)As the number of planned and realised terrorist attacks against Europe continues to grow, there are increasing...
Turning From Flynn to the Russians
By George Friedman As you know, I have been dubious about the Michael Flynn affair. So let’s turn it around and assume that there was a major Russian intelligence operation underway intended to help elect and then control the president of the United States. This would certainly justify the angst in The New York Times, whereas the national...
Ukraine: ICRC delegates monitor conditions of detention
Video | Every two to three months, we visit people detained in relation to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, in prisons run by Ukrainian authorities. In this short video, our delegate Chyngyz Rayimbekov, discusses why we visit detainees and what we do during …read more Source: International Committee of the Red...
Protecting Eastern European Journalists, Before It’s Too Late
More than half a year after the death of journalist Pavel Sheremet, his colleagues are frustrated about the apparent lack of progress in finding his killers. From Hromadske. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
Tread Carefully with the New US Administration
Donald Trump by Michael Vadon, September 13 2016, Aston PA, via FlickrBESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 414, February 16, 2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The new US administration is far more sympathetic to Israel than was its predecessor, but we must avoid taking steps from which there is no return. The Middle East is not Washington’s sole focus...
The future of the sharing economy is in the hands of the courts
It’s been 10 years since the iPhone was launched. At that time, the digital revolution was in its infancy and the iPad, Kindle, 4G, Airbnb, Twitter, Android, Oculus, Spotify, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp & Uber were the unknown future. These are now the dominant technologies of our time. They are disrupting every industry and changing...
Ukraine seeks extradition of aviation enthusiast sentenced by Russia for ‘spying’
Ukraine has initiated the extradition proceedings which could get Valentin Vyhivsky returned to Ukraine well over two years after he was seized by armed paramilitaries in Russian-occupied Crimea, held in Russia incommunicado for 8 months and then sentenced in a closed Russian court to 11 years’ imprisonment for alleged spying. …read...
Support in Russia for bloody dictator Joseph Stalin at record high
The latest Levada Centre survey has found a record number of Russian citizens with a positive attitude to murderous Soviet tyrant Joseph Stalin. If in 2001, soon after Vladimir Putin first became President, the majority of Russians were still negative in their assessment, in January 2017 46% viewed him “with admiration, respect, or liking”...