Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Trainspotting Texts Land Two Russian Women in Prison
Latest trial ended with conviction on espionage and treason charges for text message about Russian military transport. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
“Deoligarchisation” in Ukraine
In 2015, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced a process of “deoligarchisation”. Not much has happened so far. Some of the oligarchs’ profit sources have run dry in the field of public procurement. Certain efforts have been made to curb the influence of oligarchs with respect to media legislation and financing political parties....
Britain can still make a difference in the world
The Foreign Secretary gave his first big speech this morning at Chatham House on Britain’s role in the world. Here is the transcript: There is a sense in which the British cemetery in Kabul is a monument to the human spirit. A triumph of hope over experience and as I stood there last Saturday on a chilly and foggy morning I felt the eerie...
Here’s Why Ukraine Failed to Get More IMF Funding
Clearly the IMF does not trust the Ukrainian authorities to fight corruption. The Ukrainian government must convince the IMF that it is doing something about corruption either through deeds or credible policies. …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...
Russia accused of mechanisms of political repression in Crimea unprecedented since Stalin & Hitler
From political prisoners & punitive psychiatry to dissident writers being prevented from travelling abroad, the Soviet echoes in Russian-occupied Crimea are becoming increasingly pronounced. On Nov 28, Mykola Semena was not able to personally receive the Pavel Sheremet Journalism Award 2016 at a ceremony in Brussels …read more Source:...
A New Approach to Reintegrating Eastern Ukraine and Crimea
Russian aggression is not likely to go away soon. As a result, Ukraine needs to revise the current framework guiding its economic disengagement from the occupied regions of the Donbas and Crimea. Economic disengagement limits the risks of financing terrorism with money coming from mainland Ukraine, and makes sure that the occupied areas of Donbas...
Kleptocracy Daily: December 1, 2016
KI will host the first event in our new debate series at Busboys & Poets this evening. Join us to discuss kleptocratic influence in the media (free entry, bar/kitchen open). News The U.S. Assistant Attorney General called for the criminalization of anonymous companies. (Bloomberg) World leaders are meeting in Panama for the 17th International...
Watch List: Dec. 1, 2016
The items listed below represent potential emerging issues that our analysts are tracking. These can be long term or short term, but will be updated daily. If an item on our Watch List becomes critical, we will email you a full analysis explaining its significance. Each Saturday, we will follow up our daily Watch List for each week with our...
Belarusian Pre-Selections for Eurovision 2017: Contest or Freak Show?
Even after multiple failures, and questionable performances, Belarus keeps hoping to steal the show at the upcoming Eurovision song contest. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
When rulers leave
Politics While world political grandees busy themselves with internal political affairs, events are taking place on the periphery which could potentially set the course for development in entire regions. One such event is the extraordinary presidential election in Uzbekistan, following the unexpected death of its former president, Islam Karimov....