Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Safeguarding Ukraine’s Progress
Ukraine’s immediate economic crisis has been resolved, but its economy remains fragile and needs international support from bodies such as the IMF, which approved a new disbursement for the country last month. Still, if Ukraine’s new government becomes complacent, the country’s recent gains could be lost. …read more...
Kleptocracy Daily: October 4, 2016
Event: Join KI, the Lithuanian ambassador, and a distinguished panel of experts at Hudson Institute on October 19 for “The Threat of Kleptocracy: States Bordering the Russian Federation.” Register here. The Kremlin suspended a plutonium disposal agreement with the U.S., demanding an end to sanctions, reparations, and a scaled-back NATO...
How Trump’s praise of Putin could cost him the election
Donald Trump likes to mock Hillary Clinton for speaking to small crowds. So what was Trump doing last week giving a surprise speech to just 100 people in Chicago, Illinois — a state he has zero chance of winning? Answer: damage control. Trump seems to finally realize that his bizarre embrace of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and questioning of...
Stop Mistaking Russia for Europe
Like a coin inserted into a broken candy machine, the most recent attempt by the United States to broker a ceasefire with the Russians in Syria has vanished with nothing to show for it. Instead, in a calculated gesture of contempt, Russian and Syrian government forces annihilated a humanitarian convoy before beginning an unprecedented...
Hungary’s referendum had more to do with Russia than immigration
On Sunday, the vast majority of those Hungarians who showed up at the polls said “no” to the question of whether “the European Union should have the power to impose the compulsory relocation of non-Hungarian citizens to Hungary without the consent of the National Assembly of Hungary”. Yet with a turnout well below 50 per cent, the controversial...
About axis Ankara – Moscow -Tegeran.
A special analysis from Russia for GCSSI. A.Sytin Head of North&Eastern Europe Research Political Center. …In this regard, the South Caucasian states will have to determine for themselves the degree and program, as well as appropriate for each individual case of participation in various economic and transport and logistics projects. In doing...
Hungarian gatekeepers
Despite failure of the Hungarian referendum on 2 October 2016 due to low turnout Prime Minister Viktor Orban triumphed and quickly announced constitutional changes regarding migration. Contrary to general account of the result his government has succeeded in three areas: internal politics, European affairs and demographic policy. Only 43 per cent...
Global news through Ukrainian Prism
Written by Serhiy Herasymchuk, Project Coordinator, Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” The last weeks of the troubled summer of 2016 have proven once again that safety and finding ways to guarantee it are the dominant topics on the international agenda. International terrorism is in first place amongst the major security challenges...
Conceivable Surprises
Russia’s foreign policy has taken numerous unexpected turns in recent years, from annexation of Crimea to military intervention in Syria. The element of surprise for Germany and the EU arises out of a mix of lack of political transparency in Russia, Western misperceptions and the Kremlin’s deliberate instrumentalisation of...
Chechens Plead Not Guilty to Nemtsov Murder
Suspect and alleged accomplices deny being contracted to kill the Russian opposition politician, who was slain in Moscow. …read more Source: Transitions Online...