: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Pro-Kremlin Far-right Bulgarian Party Used in Latest Ukrainian ‘Separatism’ Fake

      Pro-Kremlin Far-right Bulgarian Party Used in Latest Ukrainian ‘Separatism’ Fake

      If you believe the media, ‘Bulgaria’ has endorsed the demand of local Ukrainian Bulgarians and called on Ukraine to create a Bulgarian autonomy. This comes just weeks after Romanians were also reported to be demanding autonomy. Ukraine, in short, is falling apart, and Crimea and Donbas were just the beginning. …read more Source:...

      Euromaidan Leaders Launch New Party in Ukraine. Can It Succeed?

      Euromaidan Leaders Launch New Party in Ukraine. Can It Succeed?

      As Europe lurches in the direction of populism, xenophobic anti-immigrant attitudes, and anti-EU posturing, Ukraine appears to be tilting the other way. Located largely outside European discourse for the last twenty-five years, Ukraine is now odd man out, with pro-EU sentiments running high, xenophobic attitudes largely absent, and not one but...

      The Role of Sanctions in U.S.-Russian Relations

      The Role of Sanctions in U.S.-Russian Relations

      Sanctions are a critical tool in persuading Russia to change its Ukraine policy. But the West’s overreliance on them risks undercutting their long-term effectiveness. …read more Source: Carnegie Endowment for International...

      No Longer a Secret: Ukraine is Europe’s New Frontier Market

      No Longer a Secret: Ukraine is Europe’s New Frontier Market

      American and European Investors Quietly Descend on Kyiv Chestnut trees shade the streets, restaurants colonize sidewalks with what are deemed “summer verandas,” and hemlines have risen with the temperatures.Yes, it is summer again in Kyiv.But this summer, this garden city is seeing a new, discreetly invasive species: American and European...

      NATO Leaders Agree to Boosts Presence in Poland, Baltics

      NATO Leaders Agree to Boosts Presence in Poland, Baltics

      Thousands of troops to be deployed in Eastern Europe, in the most decisive move to counter Russia since the end of the Cold War. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      The British Crisis: Monday, July 11, 2016

      The British Crisis: Monday, July 11, 2016

      Hans Kundnani, senior transatlantic fellow, will be delivering on-the-ground reports from London as Brexit unfolds. Check back for regular updates. LONDON – The United Kingdom finally has certainty about who the next prime minister will be: Theresa May. As the most prominent Conservative campaigners to leave the EU, including Boris Johnson and...

      ‘No Divorce’ for a Day in Russian Region

      ‘No Divorce’ for a Day in Russian Region

      Residents of north-western Novgorod were encouraged to rethink splitting up on the annual day of “Family, Love, and Faithfulness.” …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Alternative report on the implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination by Ukraine

      Alternative report on the implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination by Ukraine

      Prepared by Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” and Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group for the 90th session of the UN CERD, 2016 …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      V4 Supporting Communication Strategy of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine

      V4 Supporting Communication Strategy of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine

      Institute of World Policy in cooperation with partners from Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, as well as Georgia and Moldova and with the support of the Visegrad Fund is conducting the project “V4 Supporting Communication Strategy for Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine on Implementing Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive...

      NATO Isn’t a Social Club: Montenegro, Georgia, and Ukraine Don’t Belong

      NATO Isn’t a Social Club: Montenegro, Georgia, and Ukraine Don’t Belong

      Doug Bandow Members of NATO, the quintessential Cold War alliance, are meeting in Warsaw. They are dragging the U.S. back into its traditional role of guaranteeing the security of Europe, even though the continent is well able to defend itself. Worse, Georgia and Ukraine continue to lobby to join, which would make America less secure. The North...