Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Ukraine and Russia: Empires, Genocide and a “Greatest Generation”
The Russia-Ukraine war is less about resources and more about empire, history, and two nations’ self-conceptions. …read more Source:: Hoover...
Vladimir Putin is still convinced he can outlast the West in Ukraine
The post Vladimir Putin is still convinced he can outlast the West in Ukraine appeared first on Atlantic Council. …read more Source:: Atlantic...
By the numbers: Here’s how turmoil in Congress could impact US aid to Ukraine
The post By the numbers: Here’s how turmoil in Congress could impact US aid to Ukraine appeared first on Atlantic Council. …read more Source:: Atlantic...
Russian War Report: Civilian cafe attacked and a fake Ukrainian news site is exposed
The post Russian War Report: Civilian cafe attacked and a fake Ukrainian news site is exposed appeared first on Atlantic Council. …read more Source:: Atlantic...
With Congress in chaos, Europe is showing the world how to unite and deliver for Ukraine
The post With Congress in chaos, Europe is showing the world how to unite and deliver for Ukraine appeared first on Atlantic Council. …read more Source:: Atlantic...
Putin’s fleet retreats: Ukraine is winning the Battle of the Black Sea
The post Putin’s fleet retreats: Ukraine is winning the Battle of the Black Sea appeared first on Atlantic Council. …read more Source:: Atlantic...
Are Americans more supportive of Ukraine than Congress?
The post Are Americans more supportive of Ukraine than Congress? appeared first on Atlantic Council. …read more Source:: Atlantic...
„Wir müssen konkrete Angebote machen, ohne neue Abhängigkeiten zu schaffen.“
Megatrends Afrika: Welche aktuellen Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen machen es nötig, dass Deutschland seine Afrikapolitik neu ausrichtet? Dr. Karamba Diaby: Afrikas Gewicht in der Welt wächst stetig. Der Kontinent verfügt über ein immenses Potenzial für erneuerbare Energien, Digitalisierung und landwirtschaftliche Produktion, über...
«Russland spielt auf Sieg», sagt Claudia Major – die Sicherheitsexpertin schliesst Frieden in der Ukraine auf absehbare Zeit aus
…read more Source:: German Institute for International and Security...
Mass still matters: What the US military should learn from Ukraine
The post Mass still matters: What the US military should learn from Ukraine appeared first on Atlantic Council. …read more Source:: Atlantic...