: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Russia Seeks to Reenergize Its Pivot to the East

      Russia Seeks to Reenergize Its Pivot to the East

      Over the past several years, whenever Moscow entered into a difficult encounter on the Western “front,” it has typically tried to show interest in expanding ties in the Asia-Pacific. In the last couple of weeks, the fruitless meeting of the NATO-Russia Council was followed by several risky intercepts and mock attacks by Russian fighters over the...

      EXPERT. Direct war between Russia and NATO could begin as early as this year.

      EXPERT. Direct war between Russia and NATO could begin as early as this year.

      EXPERT. Direct war between Russia and NATO is only a matter of time “… It invaded Georgia, it invaded the Ukraine. It threatens the other former Soviet republics, is threatening a nuclear strike Denmark, Poland, Sweden. Moscow has made it known that the territorial integrity of European countries is not an axiom for it. It demonstrated the...

      What the Banning of Crimean Tatars’ Mejlis Means

      What the Banning of Crimean Tatars’ Mejlis Means

      In the two years since Russia illegally annexed Crimea, Crimean Tatars have faced the brunt of the de facto authorities’ brutality. On April 15, Crimea’s so-called prosecutor, Natalia Poklonskaya, banned the Mejlis, Crimean Tatars’ representative body in Crimea, labelling it “an extremist organization.” Following the...

      Tensions, Violence Rise in Ukraine as Western Powers Urge Reforms

      Tensions, Violence Rise in Ukraine as Western Powers Urge Reforms

      May 2, 2016 …read more Source: Center on Global...

      Why Europe’s energy policy has been a strategic success story

      Why Europe’s energy policy has been a strategic success story

      For Europe, it has been a rough year, or perhaps more accurately a rough decade. The terrorist attacks in London, Madrid, and elsewhere have taken a toll, as did the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. But things really got tough beginning with the Great Recession—and its prolonged duration for Europe, including grave economic crises in much of the...

      Memo to Europe: Don’t Fall for Russia’s Empty Promises

      Memo to Europe: Don’t Fall for Russia’s Empty Promises

      As of this writing, the “cessation of hostilities” in Syria has all but collapsed, and thousands of Russian forces are aiding Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s campaign to retake Aleppo. At the same time, the Minsk II agreement between Russia and Ukraine remains, as it always has been, an agreement more honored in the breach than in the...

      Abe’s Whirlwind European Mission

      Abe’s Whirlwind European Mission

      Transatlantic Take (Photo: EC – Audiovisual Service) Today, Prime Minister Abe embarks on a whirlwind tour of Europe, just like he did last year, over the traditional Golden Week holiday in Japan. This year, though, Abe’s timing may seem odd as Europe’s faces some of the worst crises in decades: external threats from refugee...

      Crimean journalist faces 5-year sentence for ‘separatism’

      Crimean journalist faces 5-year sentence for ‘separatism’

      Mykola Semena, a Crimean freelance journalist has been formally charged with making ‘calls to violate the Russian Federation’s territorial integrity’ and could face a 5-year sentence. The charges are under an article of the Russian Criminal Code introduced in May 2014, and are, as feared, being used to try to silence pro,test over...

      5 Russian Federal Agencies Pitched Against Courageous Crimean Political Prisoner

      5 Russian Federal Agencies Pitched Against Courageous Crimean Political Prisoner

      There remains no let-up in the pressure against Gennady Afanasyev, the Crimean political prisoner whose courageous retraction of testimony against Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov and civic activist Oleksandr Kolchenko made him ‘FSB Enemy No. 1′ …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      Europe’s New Political Engine: Germany’s Role in the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy

      Europe’s New Political Engine: Germany’s Role in the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy

      This report examines how Germany has become a foreign policy leader in the EU and what impact it’s having on Brussels’ internal and external affairs. More specifically, the text’s authors examine 1) Berlin’s role in developing EU institutions, the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), and the European Neighbourhood...