: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Ukraine Reform Monitor: April 2016

      Ukraine Reform Monitor: April 2016

      Ukraine is in danger of repeating its experience after the 2004 Orange Revolution, when reformers won the vote in national elections but failed to govern effectively. …read more Source: Carnegie Endowment for International...

      HCSS: The consequences of the Dutch ‘no’

      HCSS: The consequences of the Dutch ‘no’

      On the 6th of April Dutch voters rejected the ratification of the European Union’s Association Agreement with Ukraine. With a turnout of 32.2 per cent and a majority of 61.1 per cent of the voters saying… …read more Source: The Hague Centre for Strategic...

      Propaganda and Censorship: Adapting to the Modern Age

      Propaganda and Censorship: Adapting to the Modern Age

      By Mark Fahey, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons The role of propaganda and censorship is not as obvious as it may seem. From the infamous propaganda arm of North Korean government to the state-run media organizations in China and Russia, it is clear that the mechanisms and effectiveness of propaganda and censorship vary widely. During the height...

      The establishment of a self-regulating body of the Prosecutor rules out the chances of Ukraine’s prosecutor’s office being reformed

      The establishment of a self-regulating body of the Prosecutor rules out the chances of Ukraine’s prosecutor’s office being reformed

      The establishment of a self-regulating body in the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office has eliminated the possibility that this organisation will be reformed. …read more Source: Centre for Eastern Studies...

      Crimean Court Bans Tatar Assembly

      Crimean Court Bans Tatar Assembly

      The highest representative body of the indigenous community accused of spreading “aggression and hatred towards Russia.” …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Post-Soviet ‘frozen conflicts’

      Post-Soviet ‘frozen conflicts’

      The number of post-Soviet frozen conflicts has only grown, as a result of the failure of international mediation to solve them. After Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria and Abkhazia and South Ossetia, it seems that eastern Ukraine also qualifies as a frozen conflict. …read more Source:...

      Foreign Policy Audit: Ukraine-Austria

      Foreign Policy Audit: Ukraine-Austria

      The discussion paper was written by Daria Gaidai, research fellow at the Institute of World Policy. …read more Source: Institute of World...

      Energy across the Mediterranean: a call for realism

      Energy across the Mediterranean: a call for realism

      THE ISSUE Political instability in the southern Mediterranean countries have highlighted the unsustainability of their economic models. Widespread economic discontent, and in particular very high youth unemployment, underpinned the Arab Spring uprisings. As the refugee crisis shows, this is also Europe’s problem and Euro-Mediterranean...

      EU and Ukraine postpone summit

      EU and Ukraine postpone summit

      The EU and Ukraine have postponed a summit scheduled for next month until September to give the pro-Western government in Kyiv more time for political and financial reforms, the EU said yesterday (27 April). …read more Source:...

      Four reasons why a frontrunner for UN chief remains elusive

      Four reasons why a frontrunner for UN chief remains elusive

      Earlier this month, nine candidates for UN secretary-general (SG) sat in the hot seat for a first round of unprecedented ‘informal dialogues’ before the UN General Assembly. Over the course of three days, the candidates rotated in two-hour slots, fielding some 800 questions from member states, civil society groups, and the public....