: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Project Syndicate (Czech Republic)

      Why Ukraine Deserves a Haircut

      Why Ukraine Deserves a Haircut

      The battle in Ukraine over the future of reform is far from won, but real progress has been made. The country’s private creditors must now do their part and join the international community and the IMF in taking a haircut on their debts. …read more Source: Project Syndicate (Czech...

      Saving Ukraine

      Saving Ukraine

      Addressing the challenges facing Ukraine will require policymakers inside and outside the country to stabilize its economy, protect its territory, and create breathing room for reforms. In order to accomplish this, they will also have to secure greater cooperation from Russia. …read more Source: Project Syndicate (Czech...

      Shelter from the Storm in Europe

      Shelter from the Storm in Europe

      To secure a prosperous future, Europe must confront three distinct challenges: the Greek crisis, Russia’s incursion in Ukraine, and the rise of populist political parties. While Europe could address each of these challenges individually with relatively little risk, all three must be addressed simultaneously. …read more Source: Project...

      The Living Legacy of Helsinki

      The Living Legacy of Helsinki

      Forty years ago, 35 countries, including the US and most of Europe, signed the Helsinki Final Act, setting the stage for the end of the Cold War. As violence in Ukraine rages on, Europe’s leaders would do well to reaffirm the principles underlying that world-changing pact. …read more Source: Project Syndicate (Czech...

      A Winning Strategy For Ukraine

      A Winning Strategy For Ukraine

      The “new” Ukraine that has emerged since the ouster of former President Viktor Yanukovych has proved to be surprisingly resilient. Unfortunately, by treating Ukraine like Greece, European leaders are inadvertently helping Russian President Vladimir Putin achieve his goal of permanent destabilization. …read more Source: Project...

      The EU’s Growing Credibility Deficit

      The EU’s Growing Credibility Deficit

      In their quest to deepen ties with the EU, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine are taking serious risks and enduring considerable hardships. The longer the EU responds to these efforts with indifference and indecision, the faster it will drive its eastern “partners” into Russia’s embrace. …read more Source: Project Syndicate...

      Staying the Course in Europe’s East

      Staying the Course in Europe’s East

      The EU summit in Riga with the “Eastern Partnership” countries recalls the dramatic Vilnius meeting in November 2013, where Ukraine’s president, under heavy Russian pressure, refused to sign the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Russia’s behavior since then has made the Eastern Partnership more important than ever. …read more...

      Ukraine’s Other Chernobyls

      Ukraine’s Other Chernobyls

      Europe has made huge investments in reviving Ukraine’s aging nuclear power plants, despite the considerable dangers they pose. With 12 of Ukraine’s 15 reactors set to reach the end of their intended lifetime, it is time for a new approach, aimed at propelling Ukraine toward a safer, more sustainable energy future. …read more...

      A War of Values With Russia

      A War of Values With Russia

      No one should be fooled by the Kremlin’s spin doctors: The conflict in Ukraine is not about Ukraine, Russia, or even NATO. Russia’s policy is being driven by its leaders’ fear and loathing of democracy, and the West must respond accordingly. …read more Source: Project Syndicate (Czech...

      What the West Owes Ukraine

      What the West Owes Ukraine

      Ukraine may not be grabbing as many headlines now as it did a year ago, but the crisis there is far from over. Ultimately, what Ukraine needs is to escape the old Soviet order – and, for that, it needs significantly more Western help than it is getting. …read more Source: Project Syndicate (Czech...