: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: RAND (USA)

      Russia’s Deflections and Denials About Chemical Weapons Use in Ukraine

      Russia’s Deflections and Denials About Chemical Weapons Use in Ukraine

      State parties should demand that Russia stop weakening the global ban on chemical weapons use with its torrent of falsehoods about others, disclose its own secret chemical weapons activities, and lay out a plan for coming into compliance with an accord it helped negotiate. …read more Source::...

      The Meeting of the Mavericks: North Korea and Russia

      The Meeting of the Mavericks: North Korea and Russia

      One of the more unexpected outcomes of the Russo-Ukrainian war has been the revitalized partnership between Russia and North Korea. But what happens after the Ukraine war. Will the special relationship between Russia and North Korea endure? …read more Source::...

      Helping Ukraine Strike Deep in Russia

      Helping Ukraine Strike Deep in Russia

      Ukraine’s innovative drones are damaging Russian forces, but Kyiv’s request for more long-range strike support from the United States resulted in only modest assistance. Despite NATO’s growing support, Washington remains hesitant due to potential risks. …read more Source::...

      Putin’s Silence on Kursk Offensive Might Be a Giant Mistake

      Putin’s Silence on Kursk Offensive Might Be a Giant Mistake

      Throughout his presidency, Vladimir Putin has repeatedly failed to project leadership qualities in times of crisis. His relative silence on Ukraine’s Kursk offensive has led to public criticism, even from supporters. This pattern of evasion undermines trust and complicates his leadership approach. …read more Source::...

      The Kursk Offensive: Triumph or Tragedy in the Making?

      The Kursk Offensive: Triumph or Tragedy in the Making?

      Ukraine’s Kursk operation is potentially a game-changing move. But it could lead to escalation, including increased Russian use of chemical weapons. …read more Source::...

      Ukraine’s ‘Masterstroke’ Kursk Offensive Is About Geometry, not Geography

      Ukraine’s ‘Masterstroke’ Kursk Offensive Is About Geometry, not Geography

      Ukraine’s Kursk offensive was a tactical masterstroke that changed the geometry of the battlefield by extending Russian lines and obliging them to rethink their force allocation assumptions. This changes the military calculus. …read more Source::...

      Ukraine’s Kursk Incursion: Another Nail in the Coffin of Putin’s Regime?

      Ukraine’s Kursk Incursion: Another Nail in the Coffin of Putin’s Regime?

      Ukraine’s bold Kursk operation challenges Putin’s war narrative and exposes domestic vulnerabilities. While unlikely to collapse Putin’s regime, the symbolic impact of Ukrainian advances into Russian territory erodes its foundation and boosts Ukraine’s resolve. …read more Source::...

      Ukraine May Be Winning the Information War in Kursk

      Ukraine May Be Winning the Information War in Kursk

      Ukraine’s Kursk offensive has the potential to positively influence Western perceptions, sustain funding and material support for Ukraine, and degrade Russian domestic support for the war. This strategic gamble in the information space might pay off. …read more Source::...

      Russia Explained: What Americans Need to Know

      Russia Explained: What Americans Need to Know

      Among the many international issues confronting the candidates for U.S. president and the American electorate in this fall’s election is the U.S. strategic posture with regard to Russia, its aggression against Ukraine, and the policies of its leader, Vladimir Putin. Two RAND experts explore a range of critical issues that will confront the...

      Ukraine Needs a New Storyline

      Ukraine Needs a New Storyline

      Wars have simple strategic storylines. Ukraine, lacking a clear narrative, needs one to sustain Western support. The recent Kursk counteroffensive offers a reset, but Kyiv must articulate a plan. …read more Source::...