: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: The Conversation (USA)

      What’s behind Russia’s military build-up in Syria?

      What’s behind Russia’s military build-up in Syria?

      EPA/Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA)Evidence is emerging of a significant intensification of Russia’s military support for the Assad government. While the exact scale and purpose of Russia’s latest deployments remain obscure, the available evidence suggests that the Russians are preparing an airbase near the city of Latakia for possible...

      What’s a politician’s best tool? A razor

      What’s a politician’s best tool? A razor

      Except for Ben Carson, there’s a slate of clean-shaven candidates. ReutersA new poll indicated that Dr Ben Carson has pulled nearly even with Donald Trump among Republican primary and caucus voters. Interestingly, Carson – who sports a thin doorknocker – is the only presidential candidate with facial hair. And if elected, he’d be...