: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: The International Reporting Project (USA)

      Women carry the burden of Ugandan war trauma

      Women carry the burden of Ugandan war trauma

      {image-1} Beatrice Adyero* woke up one July morning in 2002 to news that completely shattered her life. Her husband, four sons, and a daughter-in-law were among 56 civilians abducted and killed by the Lord’s Resistance Army rebel group. Her youngest granddaughter, only two-years-old, wasn’t spared either. Nearly 16 years after the...

      Women are taking charge in Senegal’s growing tech industry

      Women are taking charge in Senegal’s growing tech industry

      On a balmy evening in Dakar, seven young women were gathered in the basement of a local university, not far from the city’s Monument of African Renaissance statue. Lit by the white glow of a projector screen, they tapped eagerly at laptops as the speakers covered everything from how to market your business on Instagram, to designing a...

      Russia’s Disappearing Women

      Russia’s Disappearing Women

      When they were younger, before their son was born, Maria’s boyfriend started hurting her. He would place his hands on her neck and squeeze tightly until her skin turned pink and she gasped for air. After her son Andrei came along, the abuse got worse, and her arms were regularly crowded with bruises, her face sore and swollen. Maria had no...

      Back Into the Wild

      Back Into the Wild

      As the dugout canoe cuts its path through the early morning mist that covers the surface of the Lopori River, Victor Likofata recounts the day in August, 2011 when he was mauled and left for dead by a troop of bonobos, a species of great ape endemic to the Congo Basin. Likofata was part of a small team of trackers with Amis des Bonobo du Congo...

      To Fight Pollution, He’s Reinventing The Mongolian Tent

      To Fight Pollution, He’s Reinventing The Mongolian Tent

      It takes the taxi driver three tries to find the neighborhood and at least another three wrong turns on narrow unpaved roads before he locates the company’s front gate. Each time he gets turned around the driver reaches for a cell phone. On the other end of the line Odgerel Gamsukh directs the driver to Gamsukh’s garage door business....

      Meet Our Newest Fellows

      Meet Our Newest Fellows

      The International Reporting Project is awarding fellowships to report on gender and LGBTI rights as well as religion issues around the world. The deadline to apply for the gender and LGBTI rights reporting fellowship has passed for spring and summer travel. We will reopen the application for fall and winter travel shortly. The application for...