Friedensverhandlungen im Krieg zwischen Russland und der Ukraine: Mission impossible
Wladimir Putin eskalierte im September 2022 den russischen Krieg gegen die Ukraine. Er kündigte eine Teilmobilisierung an und wiederholte seine Drohung mit dem Einsatz von Nuklearwaffen. Es war aber vor allem die proklamierte Annexion der ukrainischen Gebiete Luhansk, Donezk, Saporischschja und Cherson, mit der er einen Schlussstrich unter die...
Russia’s War on Ukraine and the Rise of the Middle Corridor as a Third Vector of Eurasian Connectivity
Among the many significant geopolitical consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine has been the reinvigoration of the Middle Corridor, both as a regional economic zone comprising Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Turkey but also as an increasingly attractive alternative route between Europe and China. Russia’s war has disrupted...
Judy Asks: Is European Support for Ukraine Dependent on the United States?
The Biden administration has led the Western military and economic response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Europe must be ready to act independently if and when Washington’s policy changes. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...
North Korea’s fait accompli
While the world’s attention is focused on Russia’s war against Ukraine and the intensifying conflict between the US and China, the security situation on the Korean Peninsula has continued to deteriorate. North Korea is steadily advancing the expansion of its military capabilities and recently undertook significant changes in its...
Nuklearmacht Nordkorea – ein Fait accompli
Während die Weltöffentlichkeit auf Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine und den sich verschärfenden Konflikt zwischen den USA und China blickt, hat sich die Sicherheitslage auf der koreanischen Halbinsel weiter verschlechtert. Nordkorea treibt den Ausbau seiner militärischen Fähigkeiten kontinuierlich voran und hat jüngst seine Nukleardoktrin...
Russia’s Catch-all Nuclear Rhetoric in Its War against Ukraine
A close reading of Russia’s nuclear statements and actions during the first seven months of its war against Ukraine reveals a threefold approach. Moscow is walking a fine line between a well-crafted and successful deterrence strategy to prevent foreign military intervention; a more modest and rather unsuccessful attempt at dissuading...
Russlands diffuse Nuklearrhetorik im Krieg gegen die Ukraine
Russland verfolgt mit seinen nuklearen Drohgebärden im Krieg gegen die Ukraine eine dreigleisige Strategie. Erstens versucht es eine westliche Intervention abzuschrecken, zweitens Unterstützung für die Ukraine zu verhindern und drittens schrittweise Kyjiw zu erpressen, worauf der Westen bislang mit eigenen Abschreckungssignalen reagiert hat....
Sea Change in EU Trade Policy
Europe’s trade policy is heading for a sea change. But it is not Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine that is the main reason for this development. Rather, there are long-term influencing factors at work here: the WTO-centred multilateral trade order is visibly eroding. Protectionism is on the rise around the globe. World trade...
What Does Russia Hope to Achieve by Bombing Ukrainian Cities?
The bombings look like an attempt by the Russian establishment to convince itself and others that Russia still has enough determination and resources to regain the military initiative. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...
European Summit in Prague Sets Agenda and Isolates Moscow
The leaders of the 27 EU member states and 17 others met in Prague on October 6 to inaugurate the European Political Community (EPC). In a series of statements, the wider Europe took a firm stance against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and brutal violation of the Helsinki Principles. While the heads of state and government did not issue a...