Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop: Why the Russian Public is Tired of the War in Ukraine
The nation is finding itself in a psychological crisis. In response, some Russians are fervently supporting the operation with patriotic zeal. Others are engaging in endless squabbles. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...
Arctic Repercussions of Russia’s Invasion
While Russia remains chair of the Arctic Council until May 2023, the other seven member states have suspended their participation in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The impacts on Moscow are multiple. Politically the move sidelines a policy area where Russia still played a significant role after the collapse of the Soviet Union....
Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine und seine Folgen
…read more Source:: German Institute for International and Security...
Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit – Gehört die Ukraine in die EU?
…read more Source:: German Institute for International and Security...
Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop: Why the Russian Public is Tired of the War in Ukraine
The nation is finding itself in a psychological crisis. In response, some Russians are fervently supporting the operation with patriotic zeal. Others are engaging in endless squabbles. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...
Das Scheitern der VN-Expertengespräche zu Autonomen Waffensystemen
Die Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) diskutiert seit 2017 im Rahmen des Waffenübereinkommens der Vereinten Nationen (VN) über Autonome Waffensysteme (AWS). Russland hat die jüngste Verhandlungsrunde im März in Genf boykottiert. Grund für dieses Verhalten Russlands ist sein seit dem 24. Februar 2022 dauernder Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine....
After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Unity is good, but ambition is better
…read more Source:: German Institute for International and Security...
The Race for Raw Materials
As a result of the energy transition and digitalisation, the demand for raw materials is increasing drastically. At the same time, the raw materials markets are particularly tense due to the war in Ukraine and supply shortages are possible. Against this backdrop, the European Commission’s fourth list of critical raw materials and its...
German Ambiguity Is Deciding Ukraine’s Future
Chancellor Scholz’s delay in sending heavy weapons to Ukraine is hurting Kyiv’s chances of preserving its sovereignty. It is also damaging Germany’s standing across Europe. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...
Russia’s National Security Narrative: All Quiet on the Eastern Front
The war in Ukraine has cemented the Russian-Chinese partnership for the foreseeable future. While focusing all of its efforts to the West, the last thing Russia needs is a confrontation with China. …read more Source:: Carnegie Endowment for International...