Hundreds Of Ukrainian Right-Wingers Hold Anti-Government Rally In Kiev; Call For A Referendum
July 22, 2015 …read more Source: Center on Global...
Bosnian Leaders in Goodwill Trip to Belgrade, Moscow Warns Sweden to Stay Out of NATO
Plus, Russia’s muckraking Novaya Gazeta faces official sanction and Kazakhstani experts say a common gas is behind a bizarre sleeping sickness. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
ODIHR Director Link joins call for establishing 22 July as European Day for the Victims of Hate Crime and victim-centred approach to countering hate crimes
WARSAW, 22 July 2015 – Michael Georg Link, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), added his voice to calls for the establishment of 22 July as the European Day for the Victims of Hate Crime. The ODIHR Director stressed that efforts to counter hate crime should centre on providing support to victims....
OSCE Representative welcomes transparent process to create policy document for information security in Ukraine, presents legal analysis
VIENNA, 22 July 2015 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today welcomed the transparency and openness of the process to create the draft Information Security Concept of Ukraine. She also presented a legal analysis of the document commissioned by her Office. “I was pleased to note the great efforts taken by the...
Weekly Update from the OSCE Observer Mission at Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk based on information as of 21 July 2015
SUMMARY Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy, Russian Federation. The Observer Mission (OM) continues to operate 24/7 at both BCPs. The overall cross-border traffic increased at both Border Crossing Points (BCPs). DETAIL OM’s staff composition The OM is currently operating with 19 staff members, consisting of 18 permanent international observers (incl. the...
The final decision on the case of the MH17 crash should be made by an international tribunal
Official results of the international investigation of the passenger Boeing-777 crash in Donbas are going to be published in autumn. However, the world is already discussing the need to create an international tribunal to prosecute those responsible for the plane crash, informs the news agency UNIAN. Co-director of Foreign Relations and...
A Moldovan Yerevan
Near-bankrupt and facing utility rate hikes and budget cuts, is Moldova in for a period of unrest? …read more Source: Transitions Online...
European Energy Security Should Remain a U.S. Priority
WASHINGTON—Why does the United States care so much about Europe’s energy security? This question comes up regularly on both sides of the Atlantic, at times with a feeling that U.S. policymakers worry more about energy security in Europe than even the Europeans do. The standard Washington response is that the United States and Europe share a...
Russian Military Reform: The Ukraine Conflict and Its Impact on Morale
Evidence has emerged in Russia’s Southern Military District (MD) that the conflict in Ukraine is not popular among Russian contract personnel (kontraktniki). Reportedly “dozens” of kontraktniki have absconded from or deserted their units on grounds of their opposition to being sent to fight in Donbas. After more than a year of the...
Multinational Military Exercises Start in W. Ukraine
A military exercise involving Ukrainian and U.S. forces, along with troops from more than a dozen… …read more Source: American Security Council...