: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Gatestone Institute (USA)

      Ukraine: Is Russia Planning A New Invasion?

      Ukraine: Is Russia Planning A New Invasion?

      Russia’s aggression into Ukraine came in direct violation of its obligations under the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. “After four years of war, Russia has at least 260,000 troops deployed along the Ukrainian border” ready to advance… — Oleksandr Turchynov, …read more Source: Gatestone...

      Syria: The Defining Issue of Our Generation

      Syria: The Defining Issue of Our Generation

      How could we not understand that in the anti-war coalition’s Manichaean world the role of evil was reserved solely for the Western democracies? Over the past decade or so Russia has waged war against Georgia, in Ossetia ad Abkhazia, attacked Ukraine, …read more Source: Gatestone...

      Is a Tolerant Culture Being Replaced by an Intolerant One?

      One need not go back centuries to the Muslim conquest of the Christian late classical world — the medieval Barbary corsair raids, the Ottoman yoke in Central and Eastern Europe or the slave markets of Kaffa in Tatar Muslim Crimea — to understand that …read more Source: Gatestone...

      Bring Russia to the Table and Promote America’s Security

      Bring Russia to the Table and Promote America’s Security

      Putin’s Russia is determined to demilitarize NATO in Eastern Europe, end Western economic sanctions, allow the permanent amputation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity including the Crimea, secure Bashar Assad’s rule over all of Syria, and …read more Source: Gatestone...

      First Anti-EU Referendum Being Forced by Dutch Citizens

      First Anti-EU Referendum Being Forced by Dutch Citizens

      Above all, Dutch citizens seem affronted that they were never consulted by their elected officials, who never even mentioned the EU-Ukraine treaty during the 2012 national elections. “Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be …read more Source: Gatestone...

      Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?

      Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?

      Stephen M. Walt is apparently trying to clinch his case: that that President Ronald Reagan’s supposedly illegal war in Nicaragua established a precedent, which, some 35 years later, Russia’s Vladimir Putin was simply following by invading Ukraine. Walt’s …read more Source: Gatestone...