: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Germany)

      Regional Security and Cooperation in the Arctic and Baltic

      Regional Security and Cooperation in the Arctic and Baltic

      The Ukraine conflict has created a deep and long-running crisis of confidence in relations between the West and Russia, as Moscow challenges the foundations of the European security order. Russia’s behaviour in the Baltic and Arctic regions, which it shares with members of NATO and the European Union, has become increasingly confrontative...

      [Translate to English:] Regionale Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in der Arktis- und Ostseeregion

      [Translate to English:] Regionale Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in der Arktis- und Ostseeregion

      [Translate to English:] Die Krise um die Ukraine hat sich im Verhältnis zwischen dem Westen und Russland längst zu einer grundsätzlichen Vertrauenskrise entwickelt, da Russland die Fundamente der europäischen Sicherheitsordnung in Frage stellt. Das Verhalten in Regionen wie der Ostsee und der Arktis, die Russland mit EU- sowie...

      Dagestan: Russia’s Most Troublesome Republic

      Dagestan: Russia’s Most Troublesome Republic

      Since 2014 the Ukraine conflict has overshadowed Russia’s North Caucasus issues, both within the country and abroad. Yet on its Caucasian margins, the Russian state continues to find itself confronted with challenges that affect its internal security and stability as a multi-ethnic state. Dagestan, the largest of the Caucasian republics,...

      New Centre-Right Government in Finland

      New Centre-Right Government in Finland

      Finland is directly affected by two of the biggest crises in the history of European integration: the troubles of the euro and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The new Finnish government, formed by the liberal Centre Party, the populist Finns Party and the conservative National Coalition Party, faces major economic, foreign policy and security...

      EU Options on Russia and the Eastern Partners

      EU Options on Russia and the Eastern Partners

      Moscow’s hegemonic stance on the post-Soviet space and its provocations in Ukraine force the European Union to find strategic clarity in its eastern neighbourhood. Often in the midst of discontinuous internal reform processes, the countries to the Union’s east find themselves hanging between a vague “wider Europe” proposal from...

      [Translate to English:] Optionen der EU für den Umgang mit Russland und den östlichen Partnerländern

      [Translate to English:] Optionen der EU für den Umgang mit Russland und den östlichen Partnerländern

      [Translate to English:] Der von Russland geschürte Konflikt um die Ukraine und Moskaus dominanzorientierte Ordnungsvorstellungen für den postsowjetischen Raum zwingen die EU zu strategischer Klarheit in ihrer Politik gegenüber dem östlichen Nachbarschaftsraum. Die östlichen Nachbarn sehen sich – bei weiterhin diskontinuierlich verlaufenden...

      Between Military Non-Alignment and Integration

      Between Military Non-Alignment and Integration

      Alarmed by the Ukraine crisis and Russia’s military activity in the Baltic Sea region, Finland and Sweden are currently engaged in an intensive debate about their national security. Faced with a changing threat scenario, there is growing doubt in both countries about their current defence capabilities. Questions are also being asked about...

      Crisis in and around Ukraine

      Crisis in and around Ukraine

      …read more Source: German Institute for International and Security...

      A Hybrid Security Policy for Europe

      A Hybrid Security Policy for Europe

      Under the term “hybrid warfare” the different methods with which Russia destabilizes Ukraine are discussed, be it propaganda or the infiltration of society. However, the problems that NATO and EU states face in dealing with hybrid threats go far beyond the Ukraine conflict – they point to systematic vulnerabilities of Western societies. This...

      Russland und der Atomkonflikt mit Iran

      Russland und der Atomkonflikt mit Iran

      Trotz der Eiszeit in den Beziehungen zwischen Moskau und dem Westen spielt Russland eine konstruktive Rolle in den Atomverhandlungen der E3+3 (Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien + China, Russland, USA) mit Iran. Russland unterstützt die am 2. April 2015 in Lausanne erreichte Verständigung über Eckpunkte eines Abkommens, mit dem der...