: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Germany)

      Zwischen Allianzfreiheit und Einbindung

      Zwischen Allianzfreiheit und Einbindung

      Alarmiert durch die Ukraine-Krise und Russlands militärische Aktivitäten in der Ostsee-Region, führen Finnland und Schweden derzeit eine intensive Debatte über ihre nationale Sicherheit. In beiden Ländern wird angesichts einer sich wandelnden Bedrohungslage an der eigenen Verteidigungsfähigkeit gezweifelt. Zunehmend steht der...

      Power Relations Meet Doestic Structures: Russia and Ukraine

      Power Relations Meet Doestic Structures: Russia and Ukraine

      …read more Source: German Institute for International and Security...

      Identity and Violence in Ukraine

      Identity and Violence in Ukraine

      Since the Maidan protests erupted at the end of 2013 Ukrainian society has witnessed a deep transformation, in which polarising as well as consolidating tendencies can be identified. The “Revolution of Dignity” and Russia’s violation of the country’s territorial integrity have strengthened Ukrainian identity in a way that has enhanced...

      [Translate to English:] Identität und Gewalt in der Ukraine

      [Translate to English:] Identität und Gewalt in der Ukraine

      [Translate to English:] Die Ukraine durchläuft seit Ausbruch der Majdan-Proteste Ende 2013 einen tiefgreifenden gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Dabei sind konsolidierende, aber auch polarisierende Tendenzen zu erkennen. Die »Revolution der Würde” ebenso wie die Verletzung der territorialen Integrität des Landes durch Russland haben deutlich dazu...

      European Union Sanctions Against Russia

      European Union Sanctions Against Russia

      The European Union responded to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine in March 2014, imposing sanctions that have been successively tightened since. Germany was an active participant in the process. Sanctions have become a familiar instrument of EU foreign policy in recent years. But the measures applied against Russia are unprecedented in both...

      NATO’s Strategic Adaptation

      NATO’s Strategic Adaptation

      In reaction to the Ukraine crisis, NATO allies decided at the September 2014 Summit in Wales on the most fundamental military adaptation of the Alliance since the end of the Cold War. The objective is a large scale reinforcement and reorganisation of defence capabilities. Collective defence has thereby been reinstated as the core task of NATO,...

      The nuclear dimension of the Ukraine conflict

      The nuclear dimension of the Ukraine conflict

      …read more Source: German Institute for International and Security...

      China-EU Relations in the Context of the Ukraine Crisis

      China-EU Relations in the Context of the Ukraine Crisis

      …read more Source: German Institute for International and Security...

      NATO-Russia Relations after the Newport Summit

      NATO-Russia Relations after the Newport Summit

      A key aspect of the NATO summit in Newport (Wales) was the reaction of the alliance to Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its destabilisation of Eastern Ukraine. However, apart from the decision to create a high-readiness force, and an action plan for Eastern Europe, heads of state and government did not focus enough on the long-term...