: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      The Struggle of Displaced Journalists in Ukraine

      The Struggle of Displaced Journalists in Ukraine

      The conflict in Ukraine has forced many journalists to relocate, but their work has only become more vital. …read more Source: Open Society...

      O.S.B. – Oh Sacred Business

      O.S.B. – Oh Sacred Business

      O.S.B, the abbreviation for the Order of St. Benedict, has taken on nuanced meaning: Oh Sacred Business. This is definitely true of a profitable Benedictine company located in Norcia, the medieval birthplace of St. Benedict in central Italy. In just four years, a talented and enterprising team has found the right mix of tradition, vocation and...

      Russia’s Pernicious Hybrid War Against Ukraine

      Russia’s Pernicious Hybrid War Against Ukraine

      In recent months, the relative calming of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the Donbas has led many observers to describe this confrontation as yet another “frozen conflict” in the post-Soviet space. Yet even if Russian military activities ceased completely, the analogy is misleading. It is not always understood that Ukraine’s neighbor to the...

      How Soft Power Works: Russian Passportization and Compatriot Policies Paved Way for Crimean Annexation and War in Donbas

      How Soft Power Works: Russian Passportization and Compatriot Policies Paved Way for Crimean Annexation and War in Donbas

      The following is an edited excerpt from Agnia Grigas’ new book, Beyond Crimea: The New Russian Empire. The book examines Moscow’s policies toward Russian compatriots in former Soviet republics, including Ukraine where they laid the groundwork for Crimea’s annexation and the conflict in the Donbas. Moscow’s policies towards...

      Putting Putin in his Place

      Putting Putin in his Place

      In addition to his adventurism in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has injected obstructionism into European politics and escalated the conflict in the Middle East, thereby aggravating the refugee crisis. The EU must wake up to the threat Putin poses and begin to counter his aggression. …read more Source: Project Syndicate (Czech...

      The UK’s global engagement begins in Europe

      The UK’s global engagement begins in Europe

      The advocates of Brexit like to paint an optimistic picture of a post-EU Britain as an active, globally engaged power. ‘Who has the parochial mindset here,’ asks Dan Hannan, ‘those who want a global role of the United Kingdom, or those who think that our role must be mediated by Federica Mogherini, the EU’s Foreign Minister?’...

      Europe betrays Ukraine’s ‘heavenly hundred’

      Europe betrays Ukraine’s ‘heavenly hundred’

      They died wearing EU ribbons, hoping that one day their corrupt government might reform and Ukraine might be admitted into the ever closer union. Commemorating the one-year anniversary of the killings in Kiev last year, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko wisely tried to lower the nation’s expectations. Politico: Europe betrays...

      Two Years After Ukraine’s Euromaidan Revolution, Is The West Betraying Its Values?

      Two Years After Ukraine’s Euromaidan Revolution, Is The West Betraying Its Values?

      This year we are struck by how different things feel. Many of the promises of the revolution remain unfulfilled. Many of the dangers of Russian interference have only become more real. interpretermag: Two Years After Ukraine’s Euromaidan Revolution, Is The West Betraying Its Values? …read more Source: The American Center for a...

      Cometh the Hour; Cometh the Man?

      Cometh the Hour; Cometh the Man?

      There are two famous Soviet sayings that usually went hand in hand: что делать и кто виноват? (what is to be done and who is to blame?). The normal sequence was as follows: first to determine that really, nothing was to be done; then find someone to pin the blame on. Ukraine was a part […] …read more Source: The American Center for a...

      Ukrainians Mark Maidan, Nationalists Ransack Russian Banks

      Ukrainians Mark Maidan, Nationalists Ransack Russian Banks

      Thousands attend ceremonies on second anniversary of deadliest day of protests against former pro-Russian government, mark martyrdom of slain ‘heavenly hundred.’ …read more Source: Transitions Online...