Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
5 questions every presidential candidate should answer on the global economy
Recent turbulence in the international financial markets suggests that the global economy may see a significant downturn running up to the November elections. That in turn could have major implications for the US economic recovery, as well as the election.Our 2016 presidential candidates must weigh the following five issues, and be able to...
With world in disorder, time is ripe for a US-UK-Japan trilateral
The global diplomatic community is again promising serious sanctions against North Korea for its latest missile launch. Meanwhile, the Pentagon belatedly announces it will quadruple its defense budget for European activities, in the face of continued Russian interventionism in Ukraine, while doubling its budget for anti-ISIS operations. These are...
A New Cold War?
Wed24FebInvitation OnlyResearch EventA New Cold War?24 Feb 2016 – 10:30 to 12:00Add to CalendariCalendar Outlook Google Yahoo Chatham House, London Russia and Eurasia Programme, Promise and Realism in Relations With RussiaParticipantsRobet Legvold, Marshall D. Shulman Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science, Columbia University;...
Ukraine’s Got a Real Army Now. But Is It Preparing to Fight the Last Battle?
The prolonged stalemate of Minsk II has provided the Ukrainian military ample opportunity to address a series of longstanding challenges stretching back to the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych. While it is clear that the Ukrainian military has improved since its disastrous defeat at Debaltseve in February 2015, evaluating the real effect of...
Russia ‘Not Responsible’ for Syrian casualties
The Kremlin insists no concrete evidence has been put forward to prove it is guilty of killing civilians in air strikes. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
UN Says Rights Record of Belarus Remains Dismal
The dismal human rights record of Belarus shows no sign of improvement after October’s elections, UN says. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
UK Baltic Deployment Amid Fears Over Russia
Britain to contribute a large contingent of troops to a new NATO force bordering Russia. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
Moscow is preparing Syria and the world a choice: Assad or IS.
/Moscow alternative – the infinite horror, or horror without end…/ – GCSSI February 10, 2016 Russian air strikes “completely destroyed the settlements” in the United States to Syria, acknowledged US intelligence. Assad army offensive with the support of Moscow – slap in the face to the West, as well as Turkey and Saudi Arabia, who are banking on...
Stern: Putin’s policy is based on the rejection of humanity.
February 9, 2016 “The refusal of any kind of humanity – that’s what keeps the policy of the Russian despot Vladimir Putin», – writes Andreas Petzold in the German magazine Stern. Currently “toxic sediments tens of thousands of its unlimited arbitrariness and tyranny going on the Syrian-Turkish border,” – says the author. People flee from...
Russian Royals to Get ‘Game of Thrones’ Treatment
Russian producers plan 144-episodes TV series on the rise, glory, and bloody downfall of the House of Romanov. …read more Source: Transitions Online...