Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Putin or Bust: Relations of Russian Cossacks With the Kremlin
Cossacks in St. Peterbsurg recently unveiled a bust of President Vladimir Putin in the guise of a Roman emperor (, May 17). The bust, made from synthetic materials, was originally designed to be two and half times larger and made from bronze. It features a Nero-like Putin in a toga but without the ceremonial garland. According to the...
Circassian Activists in Russia Become a Serious Force
The Russian government moved against Circassian activists in late May 2015, coinciding with events marking the 151st anniversary of the end of the Russian-Circassian war. The authorities targeted two well-known leaders of the Circassian movement, Ruslan Kesh and Adnan Khuade. On May 23, police in Maikop, Adygea, briefly detained Kesh, who had...
Weakening Russia Curtails Population’s Access to Publicly Available Information
Russia’s deteriorating economic situation is exacerbating the various social problems in the country, and the authorities are apparently finding no other way to deal with such issues but to shut down all outlets for public debate. Last week (May 28), President Vladimir Putin expanded the definition of information constituting state secrets...
Ex-President Of Georgia To Lead Ukraine Region
June 1, 2015 …read more Source: Center on Global...
Comment: How To Save Ukraine
June 1, 2015 …read more Source: Center on Global...
China is gambling Obama doesn’t have will to respond to its massive land grab
You may not have noticed, as ISIS expands its reach across Iraq and Russia fuels conflict in Ukraine, but the odds of an armed confrontation between the United States and China just dramatically increased. Modal TriggerAfter years of ignoring China’s growing assertiveness in Asia, the Obama administration has been taken unaware by a major...
Restless in Odessa
For the Ukrainian Government, the EU summit in Riga, Latvia, last Friday was a bitter pill. EU leaders dashed hopes for fast a track to Ukraine’s membership. Kiev received non-committal promises about a visa liberalisation program and pledges of €1.8 billion in loans (national debt has almost reached 100% of GDP). But even this is dependent...
Putin’s Mixed Signals
What a few weeks it has been for Russian President Vladimir Putin. As the crisis in Ukraine grinds on and Russia’s economy continues to sputter, Putin seems to recognize that it is time for a new approach, and it appears the stasis that has prevailed since the signing of the Minsk-II agreement in February may be coming to an end. read more...
Is the U.S. Softening its Approach toward Russia?
The visit of two high-level U.S. officials to Russia in mid-May suggests that Washington has decided to play a more active role in settling the Ukraine crisis and that relations between the U.S. and Russia, strained since the fighting began, may be improving slightly. Donald Jensen, resident fellow of the Center for Transatlantic Relations,...
European Union Snubs Georgia on Visa Free Travel Rules, as Pro-Russian Sentiments Grow in the Country
At the Eastern Partnership summit, held on May 21–22, in Riga, Latvia, the European Union delayed granting Georgia (along with it Ukraine) visa free travel rules for its citizens. Although Georgians were highly hopeful that their country would be granted a visa waiver for travel to the EU’s Schengen area, it was plainly clear even before...