Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
20 years for opposing Russian occupation of Crimea is worse than Soviet – Please Help #FreeSentsov!
It is three years since Oleg Sentsov’s two children saw their father, and could be another 17 years if Russian President Vladimir Putin has his way. There are levers to put pressure on Putin and on those Russians who collaborate in torturing and imprisoning innocent Ukrainians and your help is vital! …read more Source: Kharkiv Human...
Challenge Putin’s Lies about imprisoned Ukrainian Filmmaker Oleg Sentsov
It is exactly three years since Oleg Sentsov, Ukrainian filmmaker and single father, was arrested in Simferopol, shortly after Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. His trial and 20-year-sentence have been condemned by the entire international community, yet Russian President Vladimir Putin keeps repeating the same narrative, that Sentsov was tried...
New Report: Trump Administration Must Cooperate with Europe, Germany Needs to Creatively Boost Defense
Photo credit: Dmitriy Linchevskiy / WASHINGTON – Despite suspicion and misunderstanding on both sides of the Atlantic, U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration must value the importance of the transatlantic relationship to the United States and work with European partners on key challenges like counterterrorism, Russia,...
Why daredevil skyscraper climbing videos give you sweaty palms
Have you ever watched a video of someone dangling far above the ground and found that your own hands started sweating? If not, watch this: That’s an infamous Ukrainian urban climber known as “Mustang Wanted”. He’s part of a global “rooftopping” craze that has seen daredevils scale everything from The Shard in London, to...
A Potent Mix
Recent incidents in Belarus show that pan-Slavism and Neo-Nazism do go together. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
Kleptocracy Daily: May 9, 2017
News At a Senate hearing on Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election, former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified that she had warned the White House that former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn’s false statements about speaking to a Russian official could expose him to blackmail from Russia. Société Générale...
FTACT: Anti-Semitism and the Displacement of the Medieval Mode by a Developing Modern World
Anti-Semitic talk and thought have been the most medieval tools for controlling, deflecting, and moving mobs and, at times, producing a little extra money for the feudal nobility by way of plunder accompanied by theft and murder. I have on deck a...
Eurovision On Front Line: Will Russia’s Absence Spoil Ukraine’s Party?
May 9, 2017 …read more Source: Center on Global...
What the Public Thinks of Victory Day
Politics The Soviet Union’s struggle and ultimate victory in World War Two is still perceived by Russian citizens as the most important event of the 20th century. 80 percent of respondents surveyed in January of 2017 confirmed that they celebrated the 9th of May. The second most significant event is Yuri Gagarin’s space flight (58...
Migration climate, discourse and policies in Poland
By Justyna Segeš FrelakSUMMARYAnti-immigration fears and sentiments have been used as a political ploy in Poland.Majority of Poles oppose the admission of refugees or believe they should be granted only temporary shelter, with the younger generation the least in favour of receiving refugees.Poland continues to be in strong opposition to...