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Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Kleptocracy Daily: January 18, 2016

      Kleptocracy Daily: January 18, 2016

      The Other Immigration Crisis: KI’s Belinda Li examines how kleptocrats abuse the EB-5 visa program to gain U.S. citizenship and launder stolen cash, and talks to Seto Bagdoyan of the Government Accountability Office about closing the loopholes. News An aide to Donald Trump discussed joint investments with a Russian firm under U.S. sanctions...

      Obama’s Achievement: Whitewashing Permanent Warfare With Eloquence

      Obama’s Achievement: Whitewashing Permanent Warfare With Eloquence

      Judging from how the mainstream media has characterized the legacy of Barack Obama so far, the outgoing president will be most remembered for his many rousing aspirational speeches and well-timed shows of emotion.His talent as a persuasive public communicator and the strength of his personal brand, bolstered by years of apple-shining from liberal...

      Theresa May’s Brexit: how Europe reacted

      Theresa May’s Brexit: how Europe reacted

      Could British premier Theresa May’s Brexit statement have been any more bullish? Her abrasive tone and thinly veiled threats might almost have been designed to enrage a European elite already irritated over the UK’s prevarications over Brexit. Speaking in London, May outlined a Wild West Brexit, effectively threatening to set up the...

      Ukraine: Waiting for Donald, worrying about the EU

      Ukraine: Waiting for Donald, worrying about the EU

      Ukraine’s prospects are under threat from developments on both sides of the Atlantic. …read more Source: European Council on Foreign...

      Trump NATO strategy awaited with increasingly frayed nerves in eastern Europe

      Trump NATO strategy awaited with increasingly frayed nerves in eastern Europe

      While America celebrates the inauguration of its 45th president, there is widespread concern about his potential approach towards NATO, his relations with Russia – and whether Russian president Vladimir Putin will try to take advantage of any signs of weakness or disunity within the western treaty alliance. There are, potentially, troubling times...

      The West has only made things worse in Ukraine

      A democratic revolution triumphed two and a half years ago in Ukraine. And the West rushed to congratulate the leaders of the pro-democratic parties who emerged victorious, including President Petro Poroshenko. Indeed, a record number of Western advisers were sent to Kiev in the wake of the election. Far more than had visited during the first 25...

      Does Trump have allies for getting closer to Russia?

      Does Trump have allies for getting closer to Russia?

      Russia / World The Russian political and expert community was encouraged by Donald Trump’s victory in the American presidential election. Many analysts point out that he will conduct pragmatic foreign policy, which involves cooperation with Moscow. It does not seem that in Russian leadership there are people who believe Trump will be able...

      Don’t Add Montenegro to ‘Obsolete’ NATO: Senate Shouldn’t Sacrifice U.S. Security for Balkan Mouse

      Don’t Add Montenegro to ‘Obsolete’ NATO: Senate Shouldn’t Sacrifice U.S. Security for Balkan Mouse

      Doug Bandow To the shock of European leaders, President-elect Donald Trump has reiterated his attack on NATO as “obsolete.” He’s right. The U.S. once created military alliances to advance its own security. These days, however, Washington treats them like social organizations, which every nation should be invited to join, irrespective of...

      Time for a European Nuclear Deterrent?

      Time for a European Nuclear Deterrent?

      Doug Bandow After spending a quarter century treating NATO as an international social club to which every reasonably civilized European nation should belong, the alliance has begun to focus again on its original role as a military alliance. Rather than expect the United States to burnish NATO’s nuclear deterrent, European nations should...

      Trump’s foreign policy – Key areas for transatlantic partners to watch closely

      Trump’s foreign policy – Key areas for transatlantic partners to watch closely

      Donald Trump’s statements on foreign policy have often been controversial, but also inconsistent. Since his election, the world wonders in which direction U.S. foreign policy will evolve. Many commentators have pointed out that there might be a shift towards a semi-isolationist approach and a renunciation of the liberal, multilateral, and...