: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Unenergetic energy

      Unenergetic energy

      Economy European leaders adopted the EU Energy Security Strategy in Brussels at the end of May 2014, just three months after Russia’s annexation of Crimea. Naturally, it took several months to prepare the proposal and, in the spirit of these times, the issue of Europe’s energy dependency on Russia weighed heavily. It was emphasized...

      Military situation in eastern Ukraine worsens

      Military situation in eastern Ukraine worsens

      The foreign ministry of Ukraine expressed deep concern Monday night (30 January) over the “intensification of the Russian-terrorist forces in Donbas”. Other reports, however, speak of a “creeping offensive” of Ukrainian forces in an attempt to create “new facts on the ground”. …read more Source:...

      ‘Europe is suffering multi-morbidity’: a conversation with Claus Offe in Berlin

      ‘Europe is suffering multi-morbidity’: a conversation with Claus Offe in Berlin

      Can Europe prove that it’s capable of finding energy in its contradictions and differences and reinvent itself as a place the whole world respects? William Murphy/flickr, CC BY-SAThe writer-political thinker Albert Camus once commented that the true source of strength of modern Europe has been its ability to live on its contradictions,...

      Enemy No. 1 for Exposing Lawlessness & Repression in Russian-occupied Crimea

      Enemy No. 1 for Exposing Lawlessness & Repression in Russian-occupied Crimea

      Several dozen Russian lawyers have issued a hard-hitting statement in support for jailed Crimean Tatar rights lawyer Emil Kurbedinov and his colleagues who, they stress, are providing the last obstacle to total lawlessness in Russian-occupied Crimea …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      Watch List: Jan. 30, 2017

      Watch List: Jan. 30, 2017

      The items listed below represent potential emerging issues that our analysts are tracking. These can be long term or short term, but will be updated daily. If an item on our Watch List becomes critical, we will email you a full analysis explaining its significance. Each Saturday, we will follow up our daily Watch List for each week with our...

      Postcards Commemorating Ukraine War Dead Capture Human Dimension

      Postcards Commemorating Ukraine War Dead Capture Human Dimension

      Sent to people all across the world, the postcards aim to “make the war more personal,” says project’s initiator. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Trump Can Fix the Defects in U.S. Foreign Policy

      Trump Can Fix the Defects in U.S. Foreign Policy

      Ted Galen Carpenter In administration after administration over the decades, U.S. foreign policy has habitually exhibited several of the same deficiencies. Although those defects and blind spots were evident throughout the Cold War, they have become more noticeable and worrisome since the end of that struggle. Today, they are glaringly apparent...

      How to Make ‘America First’ Truly Great

      How to Make ‘America First’ Truly Great

      Doug Bandow Only Donald Trump would attempt to rescue the phrase “America First” from its slightly discreditable heritage. Unfortunately, his sales job has been incomplete and unconvincing. Now, someone needs to rescue the same phrase from his crabbed, negative meaning. The dominant foreign-policy vision animating left and right in recent years...

      Trump Should Copy Richard Nixon by Separating China and Russia

      Trump Should Copy Richard Nixon by Separating China and Russia

      Doug Bandow Perhaps the greatest evidence of the hubris surrounding uberhawks of both neoconservative and liberal interventionist nature is their willingness, even determination, to make multiple enemies simultaneously around the globe. Hence their constant refrain that the world is dangerous and military spending must go up, ever up. Yet if the...

      Ukraine Says More Soldiers Killed in Deadliest Clashes in Weeks

      Ukraine Says More Soldiers Killed in Deadliest Clashes in Weeks

      January 30, 2017 …read more Source: Center on Global...