: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      The Inside Kremlin Joke.

      The Inside Kremlin Joke.

      What more could Putin want? He is licking his chops. …Indeed, Bush, who also looks like Hercules compared to Trump, is an object lesson in claims of “global strength.” When Putin invaded the Republic of Georgia, and took permanent control of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, what did the ‘strong’ Bush Administration do? Nothing. Trump likely has...

      The Politics of Peacekeeping: It is a Long Way from London to Juba

      The Politics of Peacekeeping: It is a Long Way from London to Juba

      The quest for a more robust approach to ensuring successful UN peacekeeping operations has claimed its first scalp in South Sudan. The sacking of the force commander there comes barely two months after London hosted a summit of the world’s defence ministers on the challenges of UN peacekeeping After a highly critical investigation of the...

      Transparency International welcomes the completion of first round of e-declarations in Ukraine

      Transparency International welcomes the completion of first round of e-declarations in Ukraine

      Transparency International, the global anti-corruption movement and its partner in Ukraine, welcome the completion of the first step in providing the Ukrainian people with a public electronic register of the assets of politicians and senior civil servants, including those of President Petro Poroshenko. Transparency International now calls for the...

      Words Fly Over Controversial Moscow Statue

      Words Fly Over Controversial Moscow Statue

      Religious leader Vladimir honored, revolution ignored at the Kremlin as Kyiv accuses Russia of poaching its history. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Sneak Peeks at Russia’s New Crimean Bases

      Sneak Peeks at Russia’s New Crimean Bases

      Ukraine fears that the new facilities and restored Soviet installations on the peninsula pose a growing security threat. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      The New White Paper 2016 – Promoting Greater Understanding of Security Policy?

      The New White Paper 2016 – Promoting Greater Understanding of Security Policy?

      Security policy White Papers perform several functions. They serve to inform the German Bundestag and the German public, outline the Federal Government’s security policy priorities with other countries, especially Germany’s most important partners, and assist communication within the Bundeswehr. The White Paper 2016 is the first of...

      Quitting as Odessa Governor, Saakashvili Hits Out at Ukraine Leadership

      Quitting as Odessa Governor, Saakashvili Hits Out at Ukraine Leadership

      November 7, 2016 …read more Source: Center on Global...

      November 7th, 2016

      November 7th, 2016

      CHINA China Launches $11 Billion Fund for Central, Eastern EuropeREUTERS China has set up a 10 billion euro ($11.15 billion) investment fund to finance projects in Central and Eastern Europe, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China said in a statement issued on Sunday. The China-Central Eastern Europe fund will be run by Sino-CEE Financial...

      The IWP coordinated the “Index of European integration of Eastern Partnership countries”

      The IWP coordinated the “Index of European integration of Eastern Partnership countries”

      The Institute of World Policy coordinated the project “Index of European integration of Eastern Partnership countries” from Ukraine. In Kyiv on November 1st a meeting of experts intending to take part in preparing research took place. …read more Source: Institute of World...

      May pledges to carry out Brexit referendum instruction “in full”

      May pledges to carry out Brexit referendum instruction “in full”

      May pledges to carry out Brexit referendum instruction “in full”Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, Prime Minister Theresa May signalled she would resist any attempt to force her to change her approach to leaving the EU. “The people made their choice, and did so decisively. It is the responsibility of the government to get on with the job and to...