: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Keeping up Appearances: How Europe is Supporting Ukraine’s Transformation

      Keeping up Appearances: How Europe is Supporting Ukraine’s Transformation

      The report by Gustav Gressel was presented in Kyiv on October 6 with the support of the Institute of World Policy …read more Source: Institute of World...

      Slovakia, the Visegrad Group and Brexit: Charity Should Begin at Home

      Slovakia, the Visegrad Group and Brexit: Charity Should Begin at Home

      Slovakia’s prime minister is a harsh critic of Britain and of Brexit. This is understandable; however, a recent study suggests that he would be well-advised to pay more attention to his own country’s precarious affiliations to pan-European institutions.Slovakia currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU, and it takes its job...

      UkraineLab Forum in Berlin:  Diversity as an Opportunity

      UkraineLab Forum in Berlin: Diversity as an Opportunity

      The 4th UkraineLab Forum this year took place in Berlin. A large gathering of Ukrainian activists too place 19 – 22 of September under the topic The Polyphony of Activism. Exploring the European identity. The main topics of the UkraineLab forum in Berlin dealt with the dimensions of activism in Ukraine and Europe today and how they are changing...

      Information war monitor for Central Europe: September 2016

      Information war monitor for Central Europe: September 2016

      By Lóránt Győri, Patrik Szicherle, Jakub Janda, Veronika Víchová, Daniel Milo, Katarína Klingová. Photo: Flickr|Janelle, licensed by BY-NC-ND 2.0Domestic politics and international events in September in Central Europe provided a plethora of topics for Russian propaganda to mystify and misinform about. The Bratislava Summit or the referendum in...

      Russia deploys Bastion-P coastal defense missile system near border with the Baltics

      Russia deploys Bastion-P coastal defense missile system near border with the Baltics

      published by: defence-blog.com. On: Friday, 12 August 2016 The new Bastion-P mobile coastal defense missile systems were spotted during transport near the borders with the Baltic countries in northern Europe, that reported on ‘vk.com/milinfolive page.’ The missile systems were spotted on the road to St. Petersburg in Novgorod region. The...

      Think the U.S. and Europe Have a Lock on the 21st-Century Defense Market? Think Again.

      Think the U.S. and Europe Have a Lock on the 21st-Century Defense Market? Think Again.

      gepubliceerd door: August Cole Op: zondag, 18 september 2016. “Why nations like Israel, South Korea, Brazil, Russia and China are catching up—and could have a chilling effect on American alliances and defense partnerships globally”. There is a paradigm shift underway in the international defense marketplace, and it’s led by nations evolving...

      Understanding Why Colombians Voted Against Peace

      Understanding Why Colombians Voted Against Peace

      (Photo: AlCortés / Flickr) The Iran deal would have been dead in the water if it required two-thirds or even majority support in the Senate since every Republican — and a couple Democrats —opposed the initiative. It’s hard to know what a referendum would have produced. A majority of Americans wanted the Republican-controlled Congress to...

      Can we protect corporations from cybercrime?

      Can we protect corporations from cybercrime?

      Stuart Madnick, John Norris Maguire professor of information technology at the MIT School of Engineering, spoke at Securing Our Future: Cambridge Cyber Summit. The cyber threat is real. If you have control of valuable assets, including trillions of dollars of transactions, as the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Transactions (SWIFT)...

      Dealing with a simmering Ukraine-Russia conflict

      Dealing with a simmering Ukraine-Russia conflict

      Executive Summary A major foreign policy challenge that will confront the new U.S. administration from day one is Ukraine and its conflict with Russia. The February 2015 Minsk II settlement that was to end the fighting in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region has yet to be implemented. There is little sign that Moscow wants a settlement,...

      Life in Ukraine’s conflict zone: The anxious reality

      Life in Ukraine’s conflict zone: The anxious reality

      The humanitarian situation in Eastern Ukraine is severe and requires an urgent solution. No drinkable water, a lack of access to coal for heating and uncertain electricity supplies are part of everyday life for Ukrainians in the conflict zone, writes Mark Demesmaeker. …read more Source:...