: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      The downside of opening the floodgates of anti-Saudi lawsuits

      The downside of opening the floodgates of anti-Saudi lawsuits

      Over the last seven plus years of the Obama presidency, Congress has done little to constrain a leader who arrogated to himself more executive authority than any president in recent memory. Obamacare? Check. Iran deal? Check. Iraqi troop withdrawal? Check. Annexation of Crimea? Nada. North Korea nuclear tests? Nada. Spread of ISIS and al Qaeda?...

      Belarus: Unreal elections and their very real effects

      Belarus: Unreal elections and their very real effects

      Photo By: President of Russia Elections in Belarus do not typically leave much room for surprise. In the fully-fledged autocracy that the country has become since the 1994 ascent to power of Alexander Lukashenka, no ballot has been left to chance. Instead, votes have followed an ever-more refined script that is aimed exclusively at affirming the...

      Kleptocracy Daily: September 28, 2016

      Kleptocracy Daily: September 28, 2016

      International prosecutors found that flight MH17 was shot down by a Russian Buk missile fired from occupied territory in eastern Ukraine, resulting in the deaths of 298 people. The Kremlin says the findings are politically motivated, accusing the Ukrainian government instead. (BBC, Reuters) The U.S. needs a new approach to confront the emerging...

      Russia Implicated in Shooting Down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Over Ukraine

      Russia Implicated in Shooting Down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Over Ukraine

      September 28, 2016 …read more Source: Center on Global...

      September 28th, 2016

      September 28th, 2016

      CHINA China’s Communist Party to Hold Key Meeting in Late OctoberTHE JAPAN TIMES China’s ruling Communist Party will hold a key meeting from Oct. 24 to Oct. 27, the official Xinhua news agency has reported, a session likely to focus on revising rules of party discipline as Communist party leader Xi Jinping keeps up a battle on...

      Options after Brexit

      Options after Brexit

      Bruegel Director Guntram Wolff gave an oral testimony to the French Senate’s working group on Brexit. The video of the testimony can be watched here. In his presentation Dr Wolff drew heavily on ideas from the recent paper ‘Europe after Brexit: A proposal for a continental partnership‘, of which he was one of the authors. Further discussion...

      Russia Outrages Romanians with Measly Donation to Buy Brancusi Statue

      Russia Outrages Romanians with Measly Donation to Buy Brancusi Statue

      The 100 euro donation, and a video accompanying it, brought back memories of a Romanian treasure yet to be returned from Moscow. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Foreign Policy Audit: Ukraine-Georgia

      Foreign Policy Audit: Ukraine-Georgia

      On October 5, the Institute of World Policy will organize a presentation of analytical paper “Foreign Policy Audit: Ukraine-Georgia” …read more Source: Institute of World...

      Russian Investigative Journalist Beaten in Siberia

      Russian Investigative Journalist Beaten in Siberia

      Grigory Pasko, who teaches investigative techniques, was denounced as a ‘spy,’ ‘traitor,’ and ‘foreign agent’ ahead of his arrival in Altai for a seminar. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Relations between Ukraine and Russia. Discussion paper summary

      Relations between Ukraine and Russia. Discussion paper summary

      A discussion paper was written by Olesya Yakhno, invited expert of the Institute of World Policy …read more Source: Institute of World...