: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Film Screening: “The Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine”

      Film Screening: “The Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine”

      Exclusive Washington DC Sneak Preview of Breaking Point, a Documentary by Three Time Academy Award Winning Director, Mark Jonathan Harris. Directions: Directions to the Wilson Center …read more Source: Woodrow Wilson International Center for...

      Moscow Anticipates Anti-Russian NATO Summit

      Moscow Anticipates Anti-Russian NATO Summit

      Ahead of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) July 8–9 summit in Warsaw, commentators widely expect the Alliance to adopt a range of measures to boost security on its northeastern and eastern flanks. Moscow, however, notes a number of “signals,” such as the movement of United States aircraft carriers into the Mediterranean Sea or...

      Moscow Offering Crimean Tatars Ersatz Autonomy

      Moscow Offering Crimean Tatars Ersatz Autonomy

      Having illegally occupied Crimea and worked to destroy the Milli Mejlis (the de facto quasi-governing assembly of the Crimean Tatars) and all other independent Crimean Tatar organizations, Moscow is now offering that nation an ersatz form of autonomy. Russian propagandists will undoubtedly use this alternative to undermine the will of the Crimean...

      The Return of the Russian Bear to the Middle East

      The Return of the Russian Bear to the Middle East

      Middle East Security and Policy Studies No. 120 This study looks at the aggressive new posture in Russian foreign policy under President Vladimir Putin, in the wake of its intervention in Syria and the Crimean peninsula. Dr. Shay Har-Zvi is a researcher of the international system and the involvement of the superpowers in the Middle East. His...

      Beyond NATO’s Eastern Border: Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova

      Beyond NATO’s Eastern Border: Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova

      When NATO leaders convene for their 27th summit in Warsaw, the challenges set before them are greater than at any moment since the end of the Cold War. The Eastern challenge from President Vladimir Putin is overlaid by the mass exodus from the Middle East and North Africa and the brutal terrorist attacks in France, Belgium, and elsewhere. These...

      Ukrainians Jailed in Russia Flying to Kyiv in Apparent Exchange

      Ukrainians Jailed in Russia Flying to Kyiv in Apparent Exchange

      June 14, 2016 …read more Source: Center on Global...

      Dethroning Ukraine’s Oligarchs: A How-To Guide

      Dethroning Ukraine’s Oligarchs: A How-To Guide

      Ukraine’s oligarchs are its biggest problem. If there is a single obstacle to establishing a functioning state, a sound economy, and true democratic accountability, it is the tycoons who control the country. Real reform does not stand a chance unless the tycoons suffer a severe blow to their wealth and influence. FP: Dethroning...

      Plan for life after Vladimir Putin

      Plan for life after Vladimir Putin

      The only thing that constrains Putin is the fear of an immediate strong-arm response that could destabilize the regime. It was the West’s unexpectedly concerted and tough actions that limited the Kremlin’s aggression in Ukraine. Europe’s ability to act in concert is now Putin’s chief geopolitical target, because without it...

      Fact Check: do 89% of businesses really support Remain?

      Fact Check: do 89% of businesses really support Remain?

      Ready for my close up. Irina BragaIndependent poll: 89% of businesses back staying in Europe. Britain Stronger in Europe campaign claim Immigration and the economy have taken centre stage in the British EU referendum. The future economic performance of the UK in particular – its growth, job and wealth creation prospects – depends on how business...

      Balancing act in Russia: Memorial – a little complicated and very successful

      Balancing act in Russia: Memorial – a little complicated and very successful

      # 5 Divided DemocracyBalancing act in Russia: Memorial—a little complicated and very successful Memorial is a well-known, large, somewhat complicated, and very successful organization. Established in 1988 – still during the Soviet era – out of a civil-rights movement, Memorial is today a network, a confederation of more than eighty...